View Full Version : The legality of slugs?

10-20-13, 03:51 PM
Alright, I'm having a heck of a time finding this information, so maybe someone with experience can help?
I live in Arizona, and while I've learned that most snails seem to be illegal to own or at very least to get shipped to me, I can't find anything on slugs. ANYTHING.
I'm part of a group that does educational stuff for kids, and I'm trying to get some cool bugs and such for our upcoming Halloween event. Being the time of year that it is, the slugs were out like crazy last night, trying to make baby slugs. I collected about 2 dozen or so, and am now in need of knowing if I can actually keep them or not. They're just Grey Garden Slugs, nothing fancy, found naturally here in AZ. Anyone have any ideas? I looked up the 'crustaceans and mollusks' section of the local Fish and Game, and NOTHING on slugs at all. Can't find anything other than scientific papers on the slugs themselves, either.

Any help on this would be appreciated. I've owned Texas Land Snails in the past, and find these guys make amusing and easy pets for kids. I'm hoping that these slugs can be the same (they're eating really well already).

10-20-13, 06:04 PM
I have Ramshorn snails I'd ship to you.

10-20-13, 11:41 PM
Eh, aquatic snails aren't really in the cards right now, but I'll keep you in mind when I get the water based tank set up.