View Full Version : Black Milk Snake Resetting Jaw (Video)

10-18-13, 09:59 PM
Here's my BMS, hes about 2 years old now and a bit over 6.5 feet long. he weighs about 1300 grams and I decided to swap him over to rats, his feeding response went from "best of any snake I've seen" to "Ridiculous" He is easily the most voracious feeder I've ever seen. He will pace around and destroy/flip everything in his cage if he smells a rat thawing in the house two rooms away.

He snagged the rat before I had a chance to even get it into the enclosure, he then "backed" away out of the cage, normally he'll pull it into his hide to eat.

Instead, he backed out of his cage and slunked back towards a heater. I grabbed him before he had a chance to, and a lot of hissing/flailing later, i placed him in the middle of my room. he backed up next to my new ball pythons cage and decide that was a great place to eat.

He struck so quickly that he grabbed butt first, and ripped it up in his little tantrum he (justifiably) threw when I picked him up.

He then moved to the face, leaving a bloody butt all over my carpet. You can see some of the blood stains in the video, and I figured I'd explain why my snake was eating on my floor.

anyway, here's him finishing up the rat and resetting his jaw. Its a pretty cool video in my opinion and I wanted to share :smug:

By the way, the tail is ripped because I use lab tongs to hold the rat, and he ripped it out so fast it ripped the tail off. Happens a lot with this guy.

IMG 1328 on Vimeo (http://vimeo.com/77240913)

(is there a way to embed vimeo?)

also - he is incredibly tame when not feeding. He has never even postured at me never-mind struck at me. He will try to run away a bit when picked up, but settles down really fast.

10-19-13, 02:52 AM
Cool snake!

10-19-13, 06:08 AM
Dude...you in trouble! My wife would skin me if one of my snakes left a bloody smear on the carpet. It's been nice knowin' you! :)

10-19-13, 01:23 PM
Dude...you in trouble! My wife would skin me if one of my snakes left a bloody smear on the carpet. It's been nice knowin' you! :)
I don't have a wife :smug:

10-19-13, 01:59 PM
I don't have a wife :smug:

LOL! Wow that's one big milk snake! ;)

10-25-13, 10:25 PM

10-30-13, 01:23 PM
Skumbo - that snake has GROWN since I last saw him! I regret re-homing mine, but I just got another one yesterday (Isis Reptiles again).

This guy is here with me to stay...