View Full Version : For anyone seeking info on CITES please read.

05-06-02, 02:32 PM
This is a email that the head of fish and wildlife sent to me, i just simply cut and pasted what he stated for anyone who is wondering the ACTUAL legal issues are with CITES appendix 1 laws are...

The CITES listing is only of concern if you wish, at some point, to transport the boas across and international boundary. You would require a CITES export permit. Proper paperwork would be required before such a permit was issued.

If your not planning on moving the snakes to another country you will not have any CITES concerns.

By the way some boas are appendix I, but others are appendix II. App. I specimens require both import and export permits whereas App. II specimens require just the CITES export permit.

Concerning any other permit requirements. Some municipalities have exotic pet bylaws. MNR's primary wildlife legislation is the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act and related regulations. At this point it has no permit requirements associated with Boas.

John B

Well there it is everyone... ALL cites appendix I aniomals are 100% LEGAL, you only need papers to ship internationally...

05-06-02, 07:28 PM
Convention on INTERNATIONAL Trade in Endangered Species.

Hmmm.......makes sense. Who thought otherwise? I always assumed it was this way.

05-06-02, 08:03 PM
I was just taken back when my animals i bought were being called illegal because they didnt have paperwork, so i went to the source, for piece of mind for myself, and thought i would share with those who were telling me otherwise ;)

Corey Woods
05-06-02, 09:06 PM

Technically you animals are still illegal. They originate from animals that were smuggled into Canada illegally which makes the whole line illegal. The line will never be able to become legal because the adults do not have paperwork. I asked Henry flat out on the phone 2 years ago about the legality of his Dumerils and he told me straight up that his were smuggled into Canada (not by him). I haven't talked to Henry lately so maybe things have changed but that was the story 2 years ago. Once the line is tarnished it cannot because legit.

Having said that the Canadian government is not in the position to start confiscating animals. You can still keep and breed your dumerils but you will not be allowed to export them. Also, because you have CB animals that were produced within Canada it is highly unlikely that you will ever have a problem.

The way it seems right now is that if you physically smuggle the animal into Canada you go to jail. But, if you only keep smuggled animals then the government really doesn't care. I think that's stupid but that's basically what it boils down to.

As for me I will only keep 100% legal animals with paperwork. As it is now I can't find any so I bring them in myself.


05-07-02, 11:05 AM
Yeah i have come to the conclusion that this whole thing boils down to a point of view and not really a legality issue :) sorry for the stir up! LOL

05-07-02, 02:41 PM
With the talk of illegal animals or legal animals it reminded me of something, mind you it has nothing to do with permits or anything.....

I lived in California my entire life up until three years ago. And for 11 years we had a ferret named Twinkles we bought on a street corner in the late eighties.

Since ferrets are illegal in California, and at that time (89-90) not as many people kept them illegally as they do there now. So when Twinkles needed vet attention we were turned away at many many different places, only to finally find someone, who basically charged us threw the roof because he knew she was illegal, 500$ + for a spay alone. When she was dying 11 years later, we lived in the mountains, and no vet would look at her. It was sad. We ended up euthinizing her ourselves as it was the only humaine thing to do.

anyways! back on topic!
