View Full Version : Brumation Questions

10-13-13, 03:06 PM
What type of container are you using to brumate your snakes? It is not easy to find a plastic container that looks like it will be escape proof.
Where do you brumate your snakes at? I think my garage may be too cold (gets down to the 30's outside at times).

10-13-13, 05:25 PM
I brumate in plastic shoeboxes, depending on animal size. An animal in torpor is disinclined to start pushing at lids to get out, but you could weigh it down with a book if you were worried.

30°F is too cold. I don't let brumating North American reptiles go below 50°F, preferably not below 55. Buy a wine fridge with a precision thermostat and brumate them that way.

10-13-13, 10:57 PM
I brumate in plastic shoeboxes, depending on animal size. An animal in torpor is disinclined to start pushing at lids to get out, but you could weigh it down with a book if you were worried.

30°F is too cold. I don't let brumating North American reptiles go below 50°F, preferably not below 55. Buy a wine fridge with a precision thermostat and brumate them that way.

Never thought of a wine fridge, great idea. Wonder if 10 or 12 adult King and Milk Snakes in shoe boxes would fit in there.........would not be fun trying to get spastic adult snakes in a small box though.......

10-14-13, 01:57 PM
I can fit about 8 plastic shoeboxes in my wine fridge, unfortunately I don't know the size - probably 3.2 cu ft. In terms of putting adult snakes in the boxes, I generally allow the snakes to be cooled to about 70° for a while before brumation, so I'm not shocking them by dropping their temperatures from 85°F (basking spots) to 55°F. At 70°, most NA colubrids are, if not quiescent, at least a little more amenable to being placed in small boxes.