View Full Version : Change of mind...
so I think I've had a change of mind...I was looking through BHB and I saw a black and white aberrant Cali King....and I fell in love. On sale for 25$ so much better I go for it? I just need help deciding :P
10-10-13, 12:54 PM
Yes, I would. Snakes from that guy Brian are always stunning!
10-10-13, 02:26 PM
i got my cal king from BHB a few years ago. She is a very beautiful snake, im very happy with her (though she can be a bit of a B around food)... i think i paid 40 dollars and she was about 20 inches long at that time. Sounds like a good deal to me, though you wont know exactly what youre getting if they ship the animal to you. Another reason i love expos, you get to pick your "poison" ;)
Yes, I would. Snakes from that guy Brian are always stunning!
Thanks. :) I'll get a hoggie sometime. Soon hopefully. Getting a job ASAP so I can buy my own. :) I was looking at all of the snakes and man I wish I had so much money just for snakes.
i got my cal king from BHB a few years ago. She is a very beautiful snake, im very happy with her (though she can be a bit of a B around food)... i think i paid 40 dollars and she was about 20 inches long at that time. Sounds like a good deal to me, though you wont know exactly what youre getting if they ship the animal to you. Another reason i love expos, you get to pick your "poison" ;)
I know ;) I wish there were expos soon around me but the closest is illinois and Minnesota. :( But yeah I've read a lot of awesome reviews so I'm going for a it. Kings didn't really appeal to me till I saw this one.
10-10-13, 02:29 PM
im not sure how they run things, but often smaller breeders can send you a pic of the exact animal you will be getting if you ask. Might be worth asking them.
im not sure how they run things, but often smaller breeders can send you a pic of the exact animal you will be getting if you ask. Might be worth asking them.
I'll definitely ask for pics. :)
10-10-13, 02:57 PM
Good choice!;):D
Good choice!;):D
Thanks :D I will for sure get my Hoggie some day ;)
10-10-13, 05:11 PM
My cali king is nice to handle. When i come with a rat he becomes a maniac.
EL Ziggy
10-10-13, 06:01 PM
I love my Cal King. I think you made a great choice. I saw a mosaic king on their website that was beautiful too. If you like nice kings check out Shane at . He has beautiful kings and corns. He's also a member of this forum. Best wishes.
10-10-13, 06:27 PM
I bought a garter from BHB and I was not disappointed, I love that girl! I wish you luck!
Thanks everyone :) EL-Ziggy I'll definitely check it out!
10-10-13, 08:25 PM
If you search snake bytes on YouTube they give a step by step of what happens when you order a snake from them, I believe they said they show you pictures of what they have and you pick from what they got. It was a few weeks ago I think, but it could be longer.
Thanks! Ill look at it to see what they do.
10-11-13, 06:35 AM
If you search snake bytes on YouTube they give a step by step of what happens when you order a snake from them, I believe they said they show you pictures of what they have and you pick from what they got. It was a few weeks ago I think, but it could be longer.
I didn't get to choose:/ I just got a call and 2 days later, ma baby arrived by the Santa clause of package delivery:)
Fingers crossed that I'm ordering her/him by Friday. Dad says well see what bills are like when he gets paid Thursday. I have two uths coming (one for my IJ and for the king) aspen bedding, 7 gal tub, thermostat for the king and rheostat came attached on the carpet enclosure. 5 unique hides and one unique water dish for the king. Naming him or her soul, after the anime soul eater;) am I missing anything?
10-14-13, 05:15 AM
Psonally i would never use a rheostat as it relies on YOU being present if the ambient temps spike or drop in order to change the temps in the viv where a thermostat will do this for you if you are out for the day etc
10-15-13, 01:51 AM
What is BHB??
10-15-13, 02:05 AM
What is BHB??
What?!? You don't know what BHB is?? You know Brian Barzyck, right??
Bhb Reptiles - Online Snake Store and Everything You Need For Your Pet Snake and Reptile - Home to (
10-15-13, 02:08 AM
BTW, Kera, I'm confused... You're (generally) new to snakes and you're not obsessed with Ball Pythons?? Lol Seems like everyone's first snake is a Ball Python. Congrats on having cool snake(s) instead of a Ball Python ;)
BTW, Kera, I'm confused... You're (generally) new to snakes and you're not obsessed with Ball Pythons?? Lol Seems like everyone's first snake is a Ball Python. Congrats on having cool snake(s) instead of a Ball Python ;)
Haha well thanks ;) I do like them but they're too...mainstream for a lack of better words. There are way cooler snakes for the same price. The original snake I wanted was a Nicaraguan Red Tail. Then my baby needed a home and I couldn't be happier with her. :) But thanks! haha
10-15-13, 03:21 PM
Haha well thanks ;) I do like them but they're too...mainstream for a lack of better words. There are way cooler snakes for the same price. The original snake I wanted was a Nicaraguan Red Tail. Then my baby needed a home and I couldn't be happier with her. :) But thanks! haha
Don't mean to be smarty pants but nicaraguans are not red tails. Red tails are bcc, while nicaraguans are bci.
10-15-13, 03:48 PM
BTW, Kera, I'm confused... You're (generally) new to snakes and you're not obsessed with Ball Pythons?? Lol Seems like everyone's first snake is a Ball Python. Congrats on having cool snake(s) instead of a Ball Python ;)
Colubrids of any type are infinitely better than balls anywho ;-);-);-)
Don't mean to be smarty pants but nicaraguans are not red tails. Red tails are bcc, while nicaraguans are bci.
I know but it was called a red tail..i just didn't know if I should've called it that or BCI. :)
Colubrids of any type are infinitely better than balls anywho ;-);-);-)
10-15-13, 04:45 PM
I know but it was called a red tail..i just didn't know if I should've called it that or BCI. :)
Yeah a lot of people mislabel animals.
Correct way to describe it would be nicaraguan boa constrictor or nicaraguan boa constrictor imperator.
Yeah a lot of people mislabel animals.
Correct way to describe it would be nicaraguan boa constrictor or nicaraguan boa constrictor imperator.
Alright thanks! I'll remember that. :)
10-15-13, 06:00 PM
Technically BCI and BCC are both Red Tails. BCC are 'True' Red Tails, BCI are not. :p
I have BCI's, and a Ball Python and I honestly enjoy my BCI way more. I know that's mean but BCI gives you the best of both worlds... They're active like colubrids, and heavy bodied (usually A LOT leaner than a Ball but the point is that they're nice and girthy) like Ball Pythons. :)
10-15-13, 06:07 PM
I bought a pair of 1 month hatchling MBKs last year from Brian Barczyk and have been very happy with both of them. I would recommend doing business with him anytime.
First pic is of Sapphira and the second pic is of Tyrone. Brian has quality stuff and these pics show that. :)
10-15-13, 06:10 PM
The only thing I don't like about BHB is that they're always showing really cool morphs and snakes on SnakeBytes but they NEVER have anything unique for sale.
10-15-13, 06:13 PM
The only thing I don't like about BHB is that they're always showing really cool morphs and snakes on SnakeBytes but they NEVER have anything unique for sale.
lol that's true. I don't know if it's me checking at the wrong times but I've never seen a carpet python for sale on their website, yet there was a video of them showing their large carpet collection.
I bought a pair of 1 month hatchling MBKs last year from Brian Barczyk and have been very happy with both of them. I would recommend doing business with him anytime.
First pic is of Sapphira and the second pic is of Tyrone. Brian has quality stuff and these pics show that. :)
thanks for the pics!! I'm way past excited. :)
10-15-13, 07:09 PM
lol that's true. I don't know if it's me checking at the wrong times but I've never seen a carpet python for sale on their website, yet there was a video of them showing their large carpet collection.
I've been checking their site regularly for the last year or so... Never once seen a carpet... Mostly garters, corns, kings, and Ball Pythons.
10-15-13, 07:50 PM
Exwizard, nice Mexican Mexican King. I like the Thayers Variable Kings better than the pure Black color. Gray Banded Kings are nice too.
10-15-13, 07:59 PM
They are suppliers for other sellers. They produce more snakes than anyone in the US or atleast one of the top producers, but selling one snake to joe shmoe isn't where they make most of their cash I don't think. Selling hundreds of corns to pet-stores etc. etc. is probably where they make it all.
10-16-13, 12:39 AM
They are suppliers for other sellers. They produce more snakes than anyone in the US or atleast one of the top producers, but selling one snake to joe shmoe isn't where they make most of their cash I don't think. Selling hundreds of corns to pet-stores etc. etc. is probably where they make it all.
It's the point that they're CONSTANTLY showing really nice snakes, that they have a large number of (therefore they are able to sell some) but they're never available. I think that kind of sucks... They just sell the "leftovers”/the lower quality snakes that come from a clutch. I.E they make a bunch of High Quality Ball Pythons, Sell the normals and hets on their site. Or at least that's what it seems like.
10-16-13, 12:42 AM
I understand that they have holdbacks for future projects but they pretty much take all the good stuff and give us what they don't want. Do they really need to keep all those snakes?! Or do whatever they do with the snakes they don't sell?
10-16-13, 01:04 AM
Can't blame them for it. That's the good thing about breeding your own snakes. You can choose the "quality" ones and sell the rest.
10-16-13, 01:08 AM
I know, but still... 30,000 snakes in their facility and there's usually about 50 snakes available on their site... That just doesn't seem right.
10-16-13, 04:14 AM
I thought in the last video where he posted about the carpet pythons he said they were just getting to breeding age. Just because he has thoisands of snakes in his facility doesn't mean they are all for sale!!!!! Some are baby holdbacks, still growing to breeding age. Some of the more rare species might not have a mate yet (he just bought a cribo I think, don't know if that has a boyfriend yet?), the females might be taking a season off, etc etc etc....
10-16-13, 04:23 AM
Still. There's no way for me to understand having over 30,000 snakes and selling 50 of them. That's crazy :p
10-16-13, 05:25 AM
the have 50 'tiles' for snakes, they probably have several hundred baby corns, kings, Bps etc. they arent going to create a different 'sale' tile for each one.
10-16-13, 05:32 AM
They arent all hold backs.... Just because he doesnt sell on the site, doesnt mean he doesnt sell through contracts and wholesale, maybe even export. He shows the good snakes because its a show, thats what people wanna see. Would you like him to show you normal balls and corns each week? Its also good advertising, you went to the site didnt you ;-)?
In the end, he has BHB, and makes a bunch of money so whatever way he does it, is obviously working.....
10-16-13, 08:46 AM
I bought a pair of 1 month hatchling MBKs last year from Brian Barczyk and have been very happy with both of them. I would recommend doing business with him anytime.
First pic is of Sapphira and the second pic is of Tyrone. Brian has quality stuff and these pics show that. :)
Nice MBK'S! I love my female! I need a male now lol.:D
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