View Full Version : How Do You Keep Track of Sheds, Feeding, Etc.?

10-09-13, 07:43 PM
I use 3x5 index cards taped to the lower left front of each enclosure, I keep information such as the last date fed, last shed, year of birth, when acquired and purchase price, the cards look a bit sloppy though.
What are you using?

10-09-13, 07:45 PM
Excel spreadsheet.

CK SandBoas
10-09-13, 07:56 PM
Index cards with the name, species, date of birth (or date of purchase). I keep these in a two filing folders, a slot designated for each animal.

10-09-13, 08:00 PM
If you have an iPhone, I use the snake keeper app. It's keeps all that info

10-09-13, 08:11 PM
If you have an iPhone, I use the snake keeper app. It's keeps all that info

I have an IPad, I will see if I can find that app, thanks for the info!

10-09-13, 08:32 PM
Just be warned, it's free for one snake but if you want to add multiples it's $1.99

10-09-13, 08:37 PM
Just be warned, it's free for one snake but if you want to add multiples it's $1.99

Ok, I am going to pass then, but thanks.

10-09-13, 08:40 PM
Google docs spreadsheet.

10-09-13, 10:38 PM
I use an Excel spreadsheet :).

10-10-13, 04:35 AM
I used to keep track of everything but now I don't bother. If I had 20 snakes or a batch of baby snakes I would keep more records but with 9 and only 2 snakes off the common feed interval ... I keep it in my head.

Funny you want to track all of this but won't spend $2 on a program to do it. Is $2 seriously asking to much for what your looking for right on your cell phone?

10-10-13, 04:41 AM
To copy Terranaut here... Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy the App? Eventually you'll go buy more index cards, right? And then some more. Right? And then even more? It's worth the $2, imo. Btw: does anyone know of an app like that for Android?

10-10-13, 05:35 AM
I dont bother anymore, did at first but now i only make a note if someone refuses more than one feed or has an "off" bowel movement.

10-10-13, 07:28 AM
I dont bother anymore, did at first but now i only make a note if someone refuses more than one feed or has an "off" bowel movement.

I do the same.

10-10-13, 07:35 AM
Google documents

10-10-13, 07:42 AM
a good old fashioned paper note book is what i use to record feeds,feeding is the only thing i record though

cheers shaun

10-10-13, 11:55 AM
excel for me

10-10-13, 01:44 PM
i also write it in a little leather notebook i had laying around.

10-11-13, 12:05 AM
I used to keep track of everything but now I don't bother. If I had 20 snakes or a batch of baby snakes I would keep more records but with 9 and only 2 snakes off the common feed interval ... I keep it in my head.

Funny you want to track all of this but won't spend $2 on a program to do it. Is $2 seriously asking to much for what your looking for right on your cell phone?

I took it to mean that the app was $2 per snake or did I misunderstand?

10-11-13, 12:32 AM
Sorry, let me clarify. The app is free for one snake. If you wanted to add multiple snakes there is a one time fee of $1.99, may of changed but that's what it was when I bought it a year ago. It allows you to record feeding, shedding, poops, weight, and length. I highly recommend it because it has alarms for feeds which I sometimes forget about.

10-11-13, 04:23 AM
I took it to mean that the app was $2 per snake or did I misunderstand?

It's $2 for the app. Then add all the snakes you like.

10-11-13, 11:09 AM
Sorry, let me clarify. The app is free for one snake. If you wanted to add multiple snakes there is a one time fee of $1.99, may of changed but that's what it was when I bought it a year ago. It allows you to record feeding, shedding, poops, weight, and length. I highly recommend it because it has alarms for feeds which I sometimes forget about.

Thanks, I will try it out then!

10-11-13, 11:13 AM
a good old fashioned paper note book is what i use to record feeds,feeding is the only thing i record though

cheers shaun
Same for me only i do keep track of how often my Bloods Pythons poop.

Jack C
10-11-13, 03:31 PM
I have a calendar in my room and note, feeds taken, start and end of shed cycle. I only have 2 snakes like so I don't need too much space to write stuff down. And just molts for my latest tarantulas..

10-11-13, 04:25 PM
Excel spreadsheet...

10-12-13, 07:13 PM
I use iHerp .com and like it well enough. It's free and accessible from any device with Internet access.

10-12-13, 09:10 PM
Sorry, let me clarify. The app is free for one snake. If you wanted to add multiple snakes there is a one time fee of $1.99, may of changed but that's what it was when I bought it a year ago. It allows you to record feeding, shedding, poops, weight, and length. I highly recommend it because it has alarms for feeds which I sometimes forget about.

I kind of really want an i phone now specifically for that... :/ I've just been using a calendar book for records and I have a dry-erase calendar on my fridge for reminders. :)

10-19-13, 09:28 AM
Haha there's an identical thread over on a tarantula forum I frequent. Even though plenty of software and apps exist for these purposes, I always prefer a Google docs spreadsheet. That way, I can choose exactly what information I want to record and I can access it from whatever device is handy, whether that be a computer, phone, eReader, tablet, whatever. I think the customizability of spreadsheets might be less important for snakes, though, since there's less info to keep track of. That app mentioned is pretty nice.

11-09-13, 08:24 PM
Add me to the list of "doesn't keep track".

I feed about once a week. That's really all I am concerned with.

11-09-13, 08:40 PM
i have a "mini" 4 subject notebook from the dollar store...each subject is a separate snake...(i have 4) i keep track of feedings, sheds, and any notable "odd" behavior...guess my OCD takes over there...lol

11-09-13, 09:20 PM
On the calendar for food. Like Chuck, I also keep track of blood python poos. I take mental notes on everything else.

11-09-13, 09:57 PM
I don't bother keeping track unless they are animals that are currently for sale. Then I just take a pic when I feed them. Almost all of my business is done by email so I keep tabs of all sales and purchases that way. My personal collection gets fed when they are on the hunt for a few days. Poop is poop and I only worry when i see one had a funny poop.

11-10-13, 01:16 AM
I don't breed or have lots of snakes, so i don't keep track to the point of needing a spreadsheet. I just feed once weekly and write anything funny i see on the snake tub.... that way, it would be easy to tell a vet what's going on if an issue pops up, but without taking all the time to type each snake's info into a computer.