View Full Version : Super Dwarf Reticulated Python
10-09-13, 01:51 PM
So I managed to get my hands on a SD retic at a reptile show for only 500 bucks. Pretty good because other tables were selling for 1000 and up.
I chose THIS animal because of his temperament. I picked him up and he was curious and tame, as well as beautiful. (he's a tiger) But two days ago I fed him, and now he's aggressive, normally I can pick him up ad he's a bit skittish but he really got up and opened his mouth a little.
Frankly I could care less for an aggressive animal, but I think he may just be in feeding mode. He's only a few months old right now as well, I know hatchlings and teenage snakes tend to become aggressive, but it wears off. Should I wait a couple days? Or buy a hook and some gloves and start taming my retic?
I managed to tame down my other snake (Jungle salmon boa) who's a sweet heart with proper day and night schedule and no lights in my room at night, and she's back to normal. I'd rather not get bit by my snake
10-09-13, 03:52 PM
You can hook train him. If he doesn't "tame" down you will just get rid of him?
500 for a tiger SD is normal price range IMO
10-09-13, 05:24 PM
If hes just a baby just get bit. Give him a week to settle down, then go in there and grab him from underneath. If he bites just let him bite so he doesn't associate biting with making you go away. Better to do it when he's young when the bites won't do any real damage.
And then again....sometimes they never "tame" down and they are just pissy.
10-09-13, 08:00 PM
well at least I didn't get ripped. Yeah I'll just get rid of him, I see no point in having a pet that can't be held and I associate with anger and negativity. I'll probably sell him or trade him for a different snake with a better attitude. I'll try hook training, but he's already had a week to settle in. I think I'll get some gloves and try that.
10-09-13, 08:36 PM
Alright well I put on some oven mits and went for another go, he freaked out in the cage a bit but once I got him on my glove he calmed down. I then would grab him from behind if he wondered to far off the glove and just re adjust him, eventually I got him on my un gloved hand and then that's what really calmed him down. All I saw from him was a little snake yawn, I think he just figured my hand was in there for feeding since thats the first thing I did for him in this new cage, where as in my last cage I could just grab him willy nilly and he seemed to like it after he got out. I put him into some submissive positions too which seemed to calm him down. Hopefully I can gain his trust, this gave me some damn adrenaline!! lol, I've never even owned a ball python so this is a bit advanced for me, but it's fun!
You need to give more time to hook training and acclimation. Many snakes (my 3 dwarf retics included) are cage defensive. If a bite or a snake with a pissy attitude is enough for you to get rid of the animal, you might want to look at a dog or cat. Snakes are not "tame"...they never will be. They will tolerate you at best.
10-10-13, 01:30 AM
Never said cage defensiveness or a bite were enough to turn me off snakes. I'm aware of there capabilities when it comes to affection. I just don't want a snake that is incapable of friendly behavior.
10-10-13, 01:36 AM
What exactly do you mean by devote more time? As in do it everyday?
10-10-13, 05:41 AM
When i had my SD Retic two days before and three days after feeding i couldn't open his viv without being struck at, at all other times i could reach in with bare hands and pick him up with no issue at all.
10-10-13, 09:50 PM
What you need to do is get a snake hook to remove him from his cage; you'll find that they are completely different animals from in their cage to in your hands. Retics (Atleast everyone I've interacted with/ heard from other keepers/mine) have insane feeding responses, and even with a belly full of food will be expecting food. As you just got this snake he needs to be left alone for a while to get use to his new surroundings. Retics are very intelligent(for snakes) and will learn routines. Get a cage with 2 doors or a sliding glass front use one for feeding only and the other for anything else. This will make him not associate the one door with feeding and will help a lot. Did you ask what local SD he's mixed with? SD is a very vague term, some call kayaudis SD and they can end up over 12 feet. Since he's a tiger he's mixed with mainland retic genetics and might end up being over 10 feet long. It's a shame to hear you'd get rid of him if he isn't calm for you, anyone considering a retic(pure SD/dwarf/mix/mainland) should understand before purchasing that they're getting a potentially huge/ dangerous animal and only follow through with the purchase if they are prepared to deal with that. Not trying to sound like a d*ck, my typed words seem to come off that way. Hope this is helpful and that you are ready and willing to take on this animal. These really are turely incredible animals. I'm saving right now for a kalatoa pair, and a male jampea for my female.
10-11-13, 11:25 AM
It's parents only got up to 5 to 6 feet. I don't know if it's a tiger, I just thought that as the closest looking pattern I saw. He's already been around two weeks. I'm considering the hook, that sounds like a good idea, although today I reached in and had no issues with aggression.
10-11-13, 11:28 AM
give him time, and be patient.... if stuff doesnt work out, ill take him off your hands (for a good price)
10-11-13, 06:57 PM
Trust me get a snake hook, youll thank me the day hes expecting food and gets your hand. Can you post a pic for us so we can help identify him for you. If he looks like a tiger he's probably a tiger, they stand out from normals. For the parents to stay that small they would have to be kalatoa or Madu local super dwarves(I'm not to familiar with the honey islands so that may be a possibility aswell); and would look for the most part like a normal retic. I don't own a SD cross so I can't speak from experience but I've been told if you get one expect 10 feet plus; and if it stays smaller you're more then prepared.
10-12-13, 04:28 PM
that's what he looks like
10-14-13, 01:18 PM
Maybe it's just me but there seems to be too much yellow in that snake to be a pure SD. Keep in mind i dont own any pure SD yet, but have researched them like crazy due to my fascination with them. hopefully some more experienced members can chime in. Beautiful retic in any case.
10-14-13, 01:44 PM
As sublimeballs suggested a snake hook is very useful. I was able to "tame" down a lot of snakes that would rip my hand off if it weren't for a snake hook.
Taking your snake out of it's cage with a hook makes all the difference.
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