View Full Version : Edmonton, Ab Spring Show & Sale

02-06-03, 02:00 PM

APRIL 26/03 10 - 5 (SAT) & APRIL 27/03 11 - 4 (SUN)


CALL (403)429-0934 OR www.edmontonreptiles.com

I hope I haven't "stepped on any toes" by posting this info as I'm not really involved with the show, but I like to let everyone know when ones coming. The more vendors & spectators the better. Mark IsBell - GONE SNAKEE!

02-06-03, 03:14 PM
Thanks Mark for getting it out here - I was going to post it, but haven't gotten to it yet. Has anyone heard abouth the Red Deer show - whether it is on this year and when,

mary v

02-06-03, 03:48 PM
Hi, Walter & Bonnie Pacholko of Mice & Things run the Red Deer chapter of TARAS & can be reached at (403)748-3746 email: miceandthings@rttinc.com & their website is www.miceandthings.com

I believe that they are considering setting up a spring show/sale & are considering a 2-day show in the fall instead of just one, but you'd have to talk to Walter to find out for sure & dates etc.
Mark I. - GONE SNAKEE! :confused: :confused: :confused:

02-09-03, 02:28 PM
What's the Edmonton show usually like? Is it a lot smaller than the TARAS show?

02-09-03, 02:31 PM
I'm hoping to make it to a show in the fall, but I can't decide which one.... Calgary, Red Deer or Edmonton?

Any ideas?:)

02-09-03, 03:14 PM
Why not all three;)

02-09-03, 04:07 PM
The Edmonton show is smaller than the TARAS one in floor space and number of commercial type vendors. The club focus in Edmonton is on public education about herps as pets, so there tends to be a lot more display of animals, giving people a chance to hold them, sharing information about husbandry, etc than herps sales. There are a few local breeders and vendors of supplies, etc. but not as many or from as far afield as the TARAS shows, at least in my experience.

The Red Deer show has been great both times, tons of space, very well run and lots of vendors as well as great displays - a really great show with something for everyone and plenty of room to move around and see things. I know I will be first in line to get in their doors this year - not that the TARAS and ERAS shows aren't great in their own way - just my opinion - I think Walter and crew did a fantastic job with their shows in Red Deer.

mary v.

03-29-03, 01:31 PM
Only 4 more weeks to go! I hope to attend as a spectator, but not nessicarily display, decisions, decisions! Mark I.

Big Mike
04-24-03, 01:39 PM
Two days until the show...Who's comming?...who's selling and what are they selling?