View Full Version : Ball Python Swallowed own Jaw - Help!

10-06-13, 09:17 PM
I have two ball pythons, and during feeding the younger one managed to somehow swallow her entire bottom jaw. She was thrashing around for a while but managed to dislodge it while in the car on the way to the vet. I took her home instead and she drank some water. She seems to be breathing kind of heavy, but otherwise seems comfortable. What should I do? I've never heard of this.

10-07-13, 05:16 AM
Did you actually go to the vet or turn around and go home? If you turned around get back in your car and go to the vet. If you went to the vet, do what they said to do.

10-07-13, 05:25 AM
you already knew what to do! get to the vet.

10-07-13, 06:03 AM
How on earth did she swallow her own jaw? Trying think how they could physically do this.

10-07-13, 06:40 AM
Maybe the bottom teeth got caught somewhere...

10-07-13, 09:25 AM
i would open the mouth to make sure there are no broken teeth,snagged or lodged anywhere

apart from that i would just keep an eye on things

cheers shaun

10-07-13, 09:27 AM
Aw man, this sounds awful. Good luck, I hope everything goes well!

10-07-13, 09:31 AM
i would open the mouth to make sure there are no broken teeth,snagged or lodged anywhere

apart from that i would just keep an eye on things

cheers shaun

I agree with this.
What is a vet going to do you can't do yourself?
I see no need for a vet. If the snake could drink after I would bet it is fine.

10-07-13, 09:31 AM
Everything happened in the middle of the night, and the vet I was going to at the ER did not specialize in reptiles. When I saw her jaw was not inside anymore we pulled over and called them the ER asking what to do. They said go home and call a reptile vet in the morning.
Once the clinic opens I will call the reptile vet. Until then, how can I open my snakes mouth to check?

10-07-13, 11:57 AM
Get a clean business card or some thing similer (a cotton bud or que tip can also be used) slip it inbetween the snakes lips and CAREFULLY work it down... open mouth :)

10-08-13, 08:23 AM
i use a wooden pencil to open Carpets mouths,the pencil is used horozontally

cheers shaun

10-08-13, 04:19 PM
Update: She went to the proper vet and other than a scratchy throat she is okay. He said she needs R&R and recommend I downsize the food for next time. Thanks for the help! :)

10-08-13, 04:50 PM
Thanks for the update. Glad he/she is ok.

10-13-13, 02:02 PM
Its not uncommon for snakes to get their jaws misaligned, sometimes way worse than others.
Typically they can get them straightened up on their own but sometimes require assistance.
I have heard of instances like yours before.
I find a rubber baking spatula works wonders & is a "tool" in the snake supplies.
They work great for opening mouths without fear of injury like any hard object can cause & also good for prying hungry snakes such as CKs off one self, Cheers Mark

10-13-13, 06:31 PM
I agree with Mark (gonesnakee)'s post. Spatulas work well in this case....I've seen retics swallow their own jaws quite a few times. It can happen...it's scary but usually they fix it themselves.

Btw, haven't seen you around much lately, Mark. Good to see you back!