View Full Version : Hello!

10-04-13, 08:11 PM
Hello I thought I would introduce my self and my snakes! My name is Amber and I have 4 female ball pythons and one male dumeril boa. I just picked up the female pinstripe today so I only got one pic of her in the 20L tank that she is in for quarantine before she goes in the BP rack. The pics of my girls are when they were in tanks but I decided a few weeks ago to convert my spare room into a reptile room and put the BPs in a rack system.

I have had my dumeril for a week. He was a rescue so I don't have much info on him. He was turned in as a "found on the side of the road" snake. He has a small eye on his left side and a normal eye on his right but it doesn't seem to affect him. He is super sweet and has been really calm since I've brought him home. Everything I have read says he's underweight. He's about 2.5-3 foot (he moves around too much to get a good measurement) so I'm estimating and weighs about 2 pounds. Today was my first day to feed him and so I got him a small rat. I offered it live first (my BPs will only eat live no matter how many times I've tried to convert them >.<) but he ran from it, so I killed it and re-offered it to him and he ate. It was weird though because he never stuck at it or wrapped it, he just grabbed the mouth and started eating. I'm just glad he ate. I did research on dumerils before I brought him home but any advice from experienced dumeril keepers would be appreciated!

Here's some pics of my babies:

Tisiphone (2012 Spider)
Lily (2013 Bumblebee (I got her from Mike Wilbanks and she is gorgeous!)
Ariel (2013 Pewter)
2012 Pinstripe (husband hasn't decided on a name yet)
Rayvn my dumeril boa

10-05-13, 08:30 AM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


10-05-13, 08:34 AM
Hey and welcome! Cool snakes and rescue!

10-05-13, 11:53 AM
Welcome to the forum, nice collection you got there!

- h3

10-05-13, 12:41 PM
Hello and welcome!

10-05-13, 01:40 PM

10-05-13, 05:31 PM
Thanks guys! I'm glad to have found a forum to chat about my favorite animals! My mom thinks my snakes are dangerous and won't even come over anymore lol but I do have a supportive husband and he is now getting into the ball pythons. The pinstripe is his, the rest are mine. I love my ball pythons but my dumeril I rescued is my favorite! I didn't know much about the dumerils because the other people I know around here that own snakes only have ball pythons, corn snakes, king snakes, and colombian redtail boas. So this is a learning experience and I'm doing everything I can to raise a healthy, happy dumeril!

10-05-13, 07:38 PM
Hello and welcome. :)

10-07-13, 12:47 PM
Hello and welcome

10-07-13, 01:02 PM
Welcome :p Beautiful ^_^

10-07-13, 02:10 PM
Welcome aboard!!! Boas are the best!! ;)

EL Ziggy
10-07-13, 04:24 PM
Welcome aboard!!! Boas are the best!! ;)
I must respectfully disagree. Kingsnakes rule! :)

EL Ziggy
10-07-13, 04:25 PM
Welcome and best wishes Tis. You have a very nice collection. I love the pinstripe and bumblebee. Good job on the rescue too!