View Full Version : Health and well being of caged pets survey, please help :)

10-04-13, 05:44 AM
Hi guys, I'm a new member on here but have been using the forum for advice for ages.

First off, I'm a animal enthusiast and currently own 2 snakes (Pattern-less Northern Pine Snake and a Coastal x Jungle Carpet Python) as well as two American Green Tree Frogs.

I'm a third year Product Design student at De Montfort University and for my major project this year I'm developing a product for the health and well being of caged animals (focusing on reptiles and amphibians). I'm currently in the research phase of this process and any help would be greatly appreciated. Once the project is completed (spring time next year) I'll have a fully defined product aimed that could be taken to a design show for the public to view.

Anyway, here is a short survey to be completed about your pets (which is completely anonymous). If you could complete this it would be a massive help and I'll be cheeky and ask if you could pass the survey on to any friends who may be interested in helping it would also be appreciated.

Survey link:

Caged Pet Health and Well Being Survey (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XB3LVRX)

Thank you


10-04-13, 09:04 AM

10-04-13, 12:03 PM
Done...(takes less than 2 minutes)

Hope that helps.

10-04-13, 12:16 PM
Done. Took me like a minute.

10-04-13, 12:21 PM

10-04-13, 12:54 PM

10-04-13, 12:55 PM
Survey completed.

10-04-13, 01:08 PM
filled it out. Good luck Josh.

10-04-13, 01:45 PM

wasnt entirly sure what you where asking in some questions tbh, might be worth clarifying them a bit, i know its difficult to do with out then leading the answers in certain directions

good luck with ur study, please post your results and conclusions up, interested to see what comes up!

10-04-13, 02:06 PM
Done.... not sure as to how much help it will be since most of my replies were none! :rolleyes:

Goodluck with your project, I recently just had to do something similar in concept for Mechincal Engineering as a final project before graduation. Feedback is always helpful in developing ideas, no matter what form it comes in.


10-04-13, 06:07 PM
Done, good luck!

10-04-13, 06:11 PM
It is done!

10-04-13, 06:13 PM

Awaiting Abyss
10-04-13, 06:20 PM
Done. I also wasn't sure about what was being asked with one or two questions. I answered them to the best of my knowledge though.

10-05-13, 07:09 AM
This is great guys, getting some real good responses in so thanks for your help, but the more responses the better ;) I'll keep you posted with the results of the survey as soon as.