View Full Version : Is my yearling BCC ready for rats?

10-01-13, 11:14 PM
So I decided last feeding that I'd give my baby Suri (at least 10 months old, maybe a year) his first rat pup. He took it and after he digested it his feces was a very messy diahrea. Im wondering if its a coincedence or its that his diegestive tract isnt ready for rats. He was having solid dumps while on mice. So should I keep giving him rats or stay with the mice until they're all gone? Or should I alternate 1 rat pup then two mice? or something like that cuz I know young BCC have more sensitive stomachs than young BCI.

10-02-13, 01:20 AM
So I decided last feeding that I'd give my baby Suri (at least 10 months old, maybe a year) his first rat pup. He took it and after he digested it his feces was a very messy diahrea. Im wondering if its a coincedence or its that his diegestive tract isnt ready for rats. He was having solid dumps while on mice. So should I keep giving him rats or stay with the mice until they're all gone? Or should I alternate 1 rat pup then two mice? or something like that cuz I know young BCC have more sensitive stomachs than young BCI.

I'd try another rat. If you get more diarrhea, go back to mice.

10-02-13, 06:31 AM
With my bcc I go from hoppers to mice then straight to small rats, usually at around a year old. They typically get two mice at a time for 2-4 feedings to help make the gap to small rats. Never had a problem with runny poop or getting them to make the switch. Like you said, their stomachs are a tad more sensitive than bci and have more trouble with fattier foods like pups. I try to keep them on food items that have more developed muscle and bone.

10-03-13, 08:06 PM
Rats are more fatty then mice so it may have been the change. I agree with Gotsa try another Rat (maybe smaller then last time) and see what you get.

With my Suriname babies I start them on mice but switch them to rats when I have to feed more then 2 adult mice.

10-03-13, 10:48 PM
Thanks for the input. I gave him another of the smallest rat pups today so Ill wait to see what happens to it in about a week.