View Full Version : Grey Banded King

09-28-13, 02:22 PM
Just picked up a baby grey banded king. His current set up is a 5 gallon tank heated with a heat mat and thermostat set to 88. Temps stay 86-90 on hot side and 75 on cool side. humidity runs 40-50%. Going to post up some pics of his set up soon.

Jim Smith
09-28-13, 04:13 PM
Beautiful little snake. I love the colors on the Banded Kings but I've always heard that the kings can be a bit nippy?

Jim Smith

09-28-13, 04:29 PM
Very nice snake. I love the grey-orange combination.

09-28-13, 04:37 PM
He has not been nippy yet. Very fast tho lol. Heres a pic of his set up, it gets natural daylight. Not direct sunlight tho.

09-28-13, 05:25 PM
I love the colors in the grey banded ones, he's so cute. My black and white banded one bite me yesterday, it was really odd he didn't strike he just sorta opened his mouth and tried to put my finger In it all calm and slow like. After half a second he let go and just sorta hung out. Lucky he's not big enough to really hurt.

09-29-13, 10:28 AM
beautiful snake, I always loved the colors of a grey banded king

09-29-13, 12:03 PM
Nice looking king! :cool:

09-29-13, 05:04 PM
Sweet king!