View Full Version : Provent-a-Mite in water?

09-28-13, 04:36 AM
A while ago, my burmese python had some mite issues and I used PAM On her bedding. All was good, mites are all dead now. I recently had to remove her hides as she was getting too big for them. She's totally fine with it but still sometimes burrows in the substrate.

My problem is that the substrate often gets into her water bowl. I always clean it out when I notice it, but I can't realistically keep it substrate free 24/7. I've already changed her substrate out, but what if I have to treat it again and she consumes contaminated water. Is it safe?

09-28-13, 04:59 AM
If the mites are gone, clean up the cage and re-do it.

If there is no PAM in the substrate, there is nothing to worry about.

09-28-13, 06:40 AM
I would say PAM in the water is not good for your snake, but I use PAM and have never had it hurt any of my snakes. I normally put the snakes on news papers if they have mites, until the mites are gone.

09-28-13, 08:44 AM
Search the site for these terms so you know what you are dealing with:
B) Permethrin -the active ingredient in PAM,etc.

Do as you have been directed above!! (Clean the enclosure as if you sprayed poison in there)

Permethrin is a poison that was design to kill things so no....it's not ok in the water and for future reference you should make sure it's not sprayed on or near living things. It can cause neurological damage in reptiles that can take time to manifest.

09-29-13, 05:07 AM
Thanks for the input guys. As mentioned in the original post, I've already cleaned it out. Good call on the newspaper.

09-29-13, 08:56 AM
If you have to treat again...have a look at this thread.

I pasted some info regarding permethrin and the entire protocall we used for mites:


Make sure you let the newspaper dry after it's sprayed. Also water and permethrin should not be in the enclosure at the same time.

Fingers crossed you never have them again.