View Full Version : Bathroom Question

09-26-13, 11:11 PM
My girl, Nimue, was fed on the 10th - and again on the 21st.

She has not pooped yet. She has peed A LOT - I've given her baths (well 2)

she does not feel to be blocked up. Her Feed day is the 1st. Should I wait til she poops?

09-26-13, 11:14 PM
She'll poop when shes ready. You can go ahead and feed her.

What are you feeding her? it may be time to up her size

09-26-13, 11:29 PM
we just recently upped her size to small rats - she was eating the equivalent of a large mouse (3 small mice - the store by me didn't have lg mice) she's been on rats for a total of 5 feedings

09-26-13, 11:31 PM
if there is no bulging or bloating, or if you slide her through your hands and don't feel anything hard I would go ahead and feed her.

If any of those other things exist I would double check your husbandry

09-26-13, 11:35 PM
if there is no bulging or bloating, or if you slide her through your hands and don't feel anything hard I would go ahead and feed her.

If any of those other things exist I would double check your husbandry

She feels fine - nothing is hard, no bulging/bloating she's feels as she always does - I check the cage in the morning for urine/before I leave for school/when I get home/and before I go to bed - water is changed daily (sometimes 2 b/c she'll knock aspen into it)

09-27-13, 04:55 AM
Boas can go a long time between poops. Months as adults.

09-27-13, 05:13 AM
She probably isn't being fed enough.

09-27-13, 09:02 AM
skylord - she's 9 months fed a small rat every 10 days

09-27-13, 09:08 AM
If you can post a picture of her next to an object of standard size, I.e. soda can, etc, that can help a lot more than just staimg weights and lengths.
As long as her appetite is hood and you aren't feeling amy large masses abdominally, I'd chalk it up to what terra said.

09-27-13, 09:10 AM
Well I feed all of my snakes weekly for the first year. Also what exactly do you mean by small rat. An adult mouse ( which is what you were feeding it) is about half the size of a small rat.

09-27-13, 09:12 AM
, I'd chalk it up to what terra said.

Hahaha! Dude looked like a lady!

09-27-13, 09:19 AM
I'll try and get a photo up today with her next to something

09-27-13, 09:22 AM
Hahaha! Dude looked like a lady!

? Ok you lost me on this??

09-27-13, 09:37 AM
All of the avatar hair and the name Terra. I immediately thought of aerosmith.

09-27-13, 10:06 AM
The avatar is Kerry King from slayer. Been my avatar on everything since 1999. I used to have long hair like that but not since about '91-'92

Terranaut is from when I was into offroading ...
Astronaut travels space, aquanaut travels the seas and terra means earth or land or in my case....mud!!!

Btw that is one of the worst Aerosmith songs IMHO

09-27-13, 11:45 AM
The avatar is Kerry King from slayer. Been my avatar on everything since 1999. I used to have long hair like that but not since about '91-'92

Terranaut is from when I was into offroading ...
Astronaut travels space, aquanaut travels the seas and terra means earth or land or in my case....mud!!!

Btw that is one of the worst Aerosmith songs IMHO

Lol. I know but it still made the connection.

Mark Taylor
09-27-13, 11:56 AM
I would get a pic up of her and the size of food, 5 feeds and no poop seems quite a long time to me so I would wait till she poops.

On another note snakes really don't need baths but if she is blocked it may help dislodge it:)

09-27-13, 02:14 PM
^^ What he said. ^^

Then they drop a small nuclear device. ;-)

09-28-13, 02:21 PM
oh no! not 5 feeds! she fed on the 10th and did not poop and again on the 20th and has not yet - the other 3 she did poop

09-28-13, 02:37 PM
just fyi - to get the pic I removed her hides and the big empty space is where she was laying

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5450/9987274096_26ca70c6e2_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/elizarain/9987274096/)
Nim Length (http://www.flickr.com/photos/elizarain/9987274096/) by Eliza Rain (http://www.flickr.com/people/elizarain/), on Flickr


http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5512/9987271746_ea00df3974_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/elizarain/9987271746/)
Nim Diam (http://www.flickr.com/photos/elizarain/9987271746/) by Eliza Rain (http://www.flickr.com/people/elizarain/), on Flickr

09-28-13, 06:54 PM
Looks good. I don't see any big fecal lump or anything. Give it a big meal and see what happens. Something as thick as the snake or slightly larger. I just checked and my adult male hasn't dropped a bomb since July 17 th. He has eaten he has eaten 3xxl rats and a 3lb bunny since and looks great. Just forget about it until it happens. Your snake is fine.

Mark Taylor
09-29-13, 03:23 AM
That looks to be in perfect shape. From the size point I would feed a small-medium rat every couple of weeks and no more baths:)

09-29-13, 12:11 PM
Ok, good :)

Glad to hear ya'll think my girl is in good shape
On feed day she is HUNGRY TOO - she sure snaps at the rat (which is why I do 10 days)

I'm glad my husband helped me out to show her belly size.