View Full Version : 2012 holdback Crested gecko.

09-26-13, 07:15 PM
This one currently has the hatchling name of Jet, because I was doing a gemstone theme in 2012 and this one and it's sibling hatched on Black Friday, so got black gemstone names. If it stays a girl, I'm definitely keeping it and will likely name it something else. If it turns male, might still keep it but haven't decided.
Took these pictures tonight and weighed her, she's lagging a bit behind her sibling and is only 6.9 grams.









09-26-13, 11:08 PM
Adorable little girl/guy! ;)

09-27-13, 07:51 AM
Cutie Pie!!! ;)

09-27-13, 07:57 AM
Cresteds' can change gender?

09-27-13, 08:49 AM
Not really but your impression of their gender can change!
They all look like girls until some point.
You can either tell by seeing pores between their back legs with a jewelry loupe, which is sometime visible at as little as 3 grams, but are more usually seen when they are a bit bigger than that, or when they drop a "bulge" around 18-24 grams.
Most breeders don't guarantee genders on their juvies until the 14-18 gram range if they are loupe sexing though.

10-01-13, 10:54 PM
How pretty!

10-01-13, 10:56 PM
She's beautiful :).

10-02-13, 01:08 PM
Cute lil bugger. Is there a particular color/pattern you are reaching for that is having you consider keeping this one?

10-02-13, 01:58 PM
Not really. I'm actually thinking about not breeding any of my Cresteds after this year or so and just keeping them for pets. I'd prefer this one stay female because that would offer the possibility of being able to house her with one of my other two girls and if I did ever wish to breed Jet, I've got an unrelated male that would work decently with her. But considering that my two adult females, that had lived together peacefully for almost two years, have decided they hate each other and had to be separated, that first consideration may not happen whatever Jet's gender turns out to be.

So I'm only holding this one back because I liked the looks of it best of all the ones from last year and I've only got space for one more keeper adult.