View Full Version : Sav hurt his head

09-26-13, 11:04 AM
Hi all,

my save was digging under a log and he scraped one of his scales off. No blood but there's transparent liquid coating the missing scale. It's been like this for 3+ days now and I don't think it got better. He's also not roaming around as usual anymore, and sleeping more.

What to do!?

09-26-13, 01:02 PM
Hi, I`m not sure what "transparent liquid " could be? Under the scales it`s just pale coloured skin, the scale won`t regrow but the skin will darken over the next couple of months or so, and you will hardly notice anything.

09-26-13, 01:07 PM
clear liquid could just be a result of inflammation, which is a normal part of the healing process - there are other possible reasons, but a vet is more qualified to work that out if you are concerned - i'd give it a bit more time myself, but you know your sav better than anyone else

09-26-13, 01:46 PM
do you have any well-detailed pictures?

09-26-13, 02:15 PM
it's more pink in real life in the photo it looks white

09-26-13, 02:46 PM
as formica said, it is probably serum build-up under the skin where the scale was scraped off. this is a normal part of the inflammation-healing process. think of it as similar to a blister, some trauma to the skin removed the outer layer (in this case the scale as well). it should heal normally and be replaced by a normal scale after a few rounds of shedding as long as it doesnt get to irritated by him digging further. (look at my thread on my milk snake's back lesions if you want to see how incredibly their potential for healing is)

09-26-13, 04:41 PM
Hope that is the case! He's been sleeping a lot these few days, not roaming as usual.

09-27-13, 11:00 AM
Hi again, I can`t see much in that pic, certainly no clear sign of any infection, but you can always swab the area with some diluted iodine; 50 (fifty) parts water to 1 (one) part iodine.
If the scale/s are gone as I stated previously, they will NOT grow back, no matter how many times and over many years the monitor sheds it`s skin. The area will just darken over several months (personal experience with my own monitors and others belonging to friends/colleagues).
I also doubt very much that this very minor injury would cause the animal to sleep more than usual, the likeliest cause if that`s the case are the conditions (too warm, too cool, etc).
Can you give details of the temps and humidity at this time, and anything else you think may have contributed to the behavioural change? Thanks!

09-27-13, 05:21 PM
Hi. The wound seems to have gotten bigger, and there's some blood now. I'll take a pic in a bit. The conditions have not changed since he moved in this cage. Humidity is 85% on the cool side basking temp is 140F, ambient range from 24C to 35+ depending how close you are to the bask spot.

I did change one thing. I stopped turning the light off at night, this morning I woke up extra early and notice he's already up and roaming around. And he did so for quite a few hours after. Until I fed him, then he walked around maybe 20 mins after a bask and then slept again.

It could be that his hours are now shifted to earlier hours due to 24/7 light( I haven't moved my auto timer over to the new house ).

But anyhow, even if he is active, I'm still worried because the head wound looks bigger and worse. I'll show pic in a bit.

09-27-13, 05:34 PM

09-27-13, 06:29 PM
To me it looks like it might be infected, and perhaps he is continuing to traumatize the wound. Try to determine how exactly he is irritating it and remove/fix the cause. I'd also consider trying to make a vet appt to get some good drugs of its continuing to get worse.

09-28-13, 03:54 AM
agree, that liquid does look like pus/infection, does look like its time for a Vet visit

in the meantime can you remove all the pieces of wood/logs/stones/etc, keep the enclosure as clear as possible, ie just soil, so he has nothing to rub it on

If you dont have access to iodine solution, you can use a mild salt-water solution, boil a cup of water and add 1/8th tea spoon of salt, then clean the area 3-4 times a day with the cotton buds and the solution, make a new solution each day/24hrs (its probably going to sting, be prepared for tail whips and bites, leather gloves a good idea)