View Full Version : Finally got my yellow ackie!

09-24-13, 07:12 PM
If anyone here remembers, I've been wanting an ackie for years now. Dwarf monitors, what's not to love?! I finally found someone in my area who was willing to do a trade with me. I'm so very happy that it all worked out, I simply love this little guy. They guy that gave him to me hatched him himself, so he's really outgoing. Stick your hand in the tank and he walks right over and scales your arm in a matter of seconds then uses my chest as a 'ledge' lol. These pictures are horrible and blurry, I was just too excited to post about this! I'll be taking tons of pictures I'm sure! :)

09-24-13, 07:17 PM
chest as a ledge,Huh? lucky you lol.
on the occation that my ornate escapes his cage while i'm cleaning his water bucket out, he uses me more like a scratch post. sounds like small is nice, though I'm a big lizard lover myself.

09-24-13, 07:42 PM
chest as a ledge,Huh? lucky you lol.

The lizard is the lucky one ;)

Congratulations Sarah. I am sure it will do well with you.

09-24-13, 07:44 PM
Beautiful little guy ^_^

09-24-13, 08:11 PM
chest as a ledge,Huh? lucky you lol.
on the occation that my ornate escapes his cage while i'm cleaning his water bucket out, he uses me more like a scratch post. sounds like small is nice, though I'm a big lizard lover myself.

Oh, I've got a 4 foot Nile, baby Salvator, and a small Savannah that proves... I also am a big lizard lover! More just a monitor lizard lover though! :) <3

09-24-13, 08:13 PM
The lizard is the lucky one ;)

Congratulations Sarah. I am sure it will do well with you.

Thanks Wayne.

09-24-13, 09:45 PM
Awesome! I am a bit jealous. How are you housing him? I love checking out ackie enclosures.

09-24-13, 11:05 PM
guess I should have said "big" lizard lover lol

09-25-13, 12:07 AM
Awesome! I am a bit jealous. How are you housing him? I love checking out ackie enclosures.

Honestly, not sure..I'm playing musical chairs with my enclosure right now. Rescue that I work for just gave me a 9 foot blind burmese python that I have to tube feed. So that one got the 6x2x 2 tank I WAS going to use for the ackie. I've got a 125 gallon that is something around 6x2.5x18 inches... I guess I could use that. Right now he is in a temporary bin with his substrate and heat and hides and such. This was super short notice, but I'll get him set up nicely in the next few days. And will post plenty of pictures of course!

09-25-13, 08:37 AM
Very cool!

09-25-13, 08:41 AM
Gorgeous Ackie!!! SUPER jealous!!! And good luck with the 9ft blind burm...yikes!!

09-25-13, 04:07 PM
Very nice, and best of luck with the blind burm!

09-27-13, 09:29 PM
Nice looking ackie, can't wait to see more pics.

10-21-13, 05:52 PM
Here he is just hanging out with me. He's not flighty like some people say their ackies are. He comes out of the enclosure of his own accord when I open it up, walks around for a bit, eats some mealworms from out of my hand, then sits in the sun on the windowsill. He's awesome :)

10-21-13, 05:58 PM
I wish we would see the true yellow in the pet trade... Lemon Throats.


Actually they are Varanus baritji, or black spotted ridge tail monitor.

10-21-13, 06:09 PM
I wish we would see the true yellow in the pet trade... Lemon Throats.


Actually they are Varanus baritji, or black spotted ridge tail monitor.

Oooooo. Prettyyyyyy. o.o

11-04-13, 04:51 PM
Sooooo cute

11-04-13, 11:33 PM
He sounds awesome!