View Full Version : Is this a Milk Snake or a Corn snake?

09-24-13, 04:59 PM
I found this guy stuck to some packing tape on a box of product (we get our inventory shipped in for around the us so the box could be from anywhere) and I cannot figure out how to tell for sure if it is a milk snake or a corn snake. It is about a half inch thick, maybe 8 inches long, will not eat the crickets I put in his tank (but that is possibly because he has only been there for a day). https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/1375937_3449505252131_1859507453_n.jpg

09-24-13, 05:34 PM
It looks like a baby rat/corn snake to me. They don't eat crickets. They eat mice.

09-24-13, 06:53 PM
Corn snake. Give it a pinky mouse.

09-24-13, 07:10 PM
thank you very much =) any recommendations on how to feed him 50% of the internet says you HAVE to use a feeder box 50% says the people who use feeder boxes are doing it wrong..

09-24-13, 07:15 PM
I feed mine in it,s tank. we have a baby, we feed it 2 pinkys 1 on wen. 1 on sun. f/ t.

09-24-13, 07:18 PM
does it bite often when you open the cage, expecting food, or does it act normally for the most part?

09-24-13, 07:19 PM
Just give him a hide and a pinky mouse looks like an anery corn snake

09-24-13, 07:40 PM
thank you very much =) any recommendations on how to feed him 50% of the internet says you HAVE to use a feeder box 50% says the people who use feeder boxes are doing it wrong..

50% of the internet is whack, the other 50% are wingnuts... (although, you may find the same opinions here as well)... You may feed him in his enclosure. No worries. As stated above, make sure there are a couple of hides, fresh water at all times and offer pinky mice (adjusting prey size based on snakes growth/size). There are tons of "care sheets" available online. A lot of folks here keep colubrids (the family of snakes the rats/corns are in) and will be a wealth of information to you. Keep asking questions and learning and you'll have a great pet!

09-24-13, 09:14 PM
Definitely a corn snake. You can tell by the distinctive markings on its head.We have two ghost corns and they are the mellowest snakes around.They have never even threatened to strike. Great snake for a beginner. Feed it a one day old (small) frozen/thawed pinky mouse once a week if it is only 8 inches long.You can get them from most pet shops. We feed in a simple Sterilte container. Search online for a "Corn Snake Care Sheet" to get all the information you need. Good luck!

09-25-13, 02:52 AM
read a corn snake caresheet - they are very easy to care for, u will need a heat mat (1/3 size of enclosure is a good aim), thermostat, water bowl and 2 hides (small plastic pots with a hole in the side will do) and a basic substrate of paper towel for starters :)

my suggestion would be, once you have those things, leave him be for a few days, sounds like he's been thru quite an ordeal and is probably very stressed and nervous, give him a few days, then try feeding a pinky mouse as suggested above, warm it up in warm water, then use tweezers (not sharp ones!)/tongs to see if he'll take it from you, if he doesnt, just leave it in the tank over night, if he's hungry and not too stressed he'll eat it - if not, give it another 5 days and try again

get those crickets out of the tank, they like to nibble and bite reptiles while they sleep

09-25-13, 08:08 PM
get those crickets out of the tank, they like to nibble and bite reptiles while they sleep

the cricket already drowned in the water bowl, Thank you everyone for the help! I have two hidy holes for him so far and a plastic plant, and a nice big water bowl, I'll try feeding him a pinky tomorrow since hes had a couple days to rest and hopefully he will be happy =)

you've all been a great help