View Full Version : Replacing Screen Mesh with Glass

09-22-13, 01:19 AM
i have an Exo Terra 36x18x24 Terrarium, i'm looking to remove the metal screen mesh and replace it with glass, my question is about Oxygen.

Since i'll be sealing the top screen with glass to keep the humidity at the desired level. i'm worried about whether my snake will have enough oxygen, there will still be the vents below the glass doors but like i said i'll be closing off the top.

I have a couple live plants and moss in the terrarium as well as a Misting system. also i have a little aquarium section in the terrarium as well with plants in it and a water filter.

I'm wondering if my snake will be provided enough oxygen from the vents at the bottom, the plants and moss, or should i ask to drill a couple holes in the glass for more air flow for oxygen.

09-22-13, 03:38 AM
If you completely seal the top you are going to have a ton of condensation from that pond.

09-22-13, 03:43 AM
Instead of replacing the whole top, why don't you just get a sheet of glass cut to size, that will cover up most of the top while still leaving a little space for ventilation?

I'm not sure about this, but the live plants may help with oxygen.

09-22-13, 04:36 AM

09-22-13, 05:00 AM
Get a piece of plexi for between 9-14 dollars at home depot. Get a soldering iron or some way to cut it if you don't have one. Throw the plexi on top and fit it, then draw the outline with a marker and just cut it to size. Or measure it before you purchase and have them cut it there for you.

Live plants should provide fresh oxygen, open the door every once in a while if you are worried about it. However like Korbin said, with the pond AND misting system AND live plants releasing humidity AND no ventilation AND moss....it may be a bit over kill.