View Full Version : Red Sores? Texas Rat

09-20-13, 05:45 PM
I was wondering if someone could take a look at this and give me an opinion.


Zoomed in a bit


The only way I can think to describe the look in person is an under cooked piece of oatmeal, but obviously red. This showed up maybe 3-5 days ago, I figured it was just a pigment abnormality, but it's gotten worse. You can see a what appears to be another one appearing not far behind it. I've touched the spots, firmly, it doesn't appear to be providing any discomfort. The snake isn't acting weird in any way, eats like an ox. Does anyone know what this is, how to treat it? I thoroughly trust the this board, and would appreciate any input. If no one here can help me identify what this is or what to do about it I will have to get her to a vet Monday or Tuesday. So please if you can assist - I'm all ears.

Hot side: 84.2
Cold side: 76 - At night this might hit 70 at the lowest
Humidity 40-60%

Thank you for looking!

- h3

09-20-13, 05:51 PM
My albino king had something similar; HOWEVER the origin was a bit different. I was transporting them to an educational show and my female actually bit him (or he bit himself) in the pillowcase. It was barely noticeable on day one, became a reddened raised bump on day 2, and then slowly got better over the next 2 weeks. I never did anything to treat other than to keep his cage extra clean.

Im concerned that you said it got noticeably worse over two days, and that there seems to be abother lesion forming. I would try to get a vet appointment now, as they could tell you if it is bacterial, traumatic, fungal, etc. They will also give you drugs, depending on what it is (antibiotics vs antifungals vs silver sulfadiazene (?) cream for traumas). Review your enclosure and best of luck.

09-20-13, 06:19 PM
Thanks for some input Starbuck...These snakes are messy. She defecates 3-4 times a week. I keep most of my snakes on paper towels so clean up is a fast and easy. When ever waste is present I wash the enclosure, and put in fresh paper towels. It's a lot of work, but it's worth it. My point being I don't think it has to do with unsanitary conditions. I check all my snakes before work, after, and before bed. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

- h3

09-22-13, 03:33 AM
I don't normally do this, but I'm going to bump this. Anyone? Speculation? Conjecture? Nothing??

- h3

09-22-13, 03:41 AM
Do you feed live? Maybe it's some type of bacterial infection. No one can know for sure unless you take it to the vet for examination.

09-22-13, 06:33 AM
I didn't mean to imply it was due to unsanitary conditions, justbthat exposure to feces would not help the lesions to heal at all. I'd get it to a vet, especially if you are seeing it get worse, or more lesions are appearing

09-22-13, 06:37 AM
Do feed her live prey??

09-22-13, 11:07 AM
No I never feed live...

- h3

09-22-13, 07:03 PM
Have you tried to look under the scale to see if there is a wound or anything? Looks like some sort of infection to me. I would be tempted toput a little polysporin on it.

09-24-13, 02:47 PM
No I don't see a wound - it looks like a pimple really. I didn't put any polysporin on it...I've been monitoring this, and after watching these past few days it seems to have gone down tremendously. I'm deciding not to go to a vet as long as the symptoms continue to decline. It looks like a pale pink now, and one of them is almost impossible to see...I will post more on this if it continues or if it heals...This is weird.

- h3

09-24-13, 04:18 PM
That's good news. Hope it goes away.

10-13-13, 04:55 PM
I just wanted to put an update on this snake. The sores are about gone, they came on so fast it was scary. If they return I will take her to a vet, but every thing seems to be in order now. Sores almost gone, no weight loss, no loss of appetite. Here is an updated picture:


Very hard to see now, but you can see a little discoloration if you really look. Thanks to anyone who took the time to give an opinion or look at this thread. Needless to say I am happy.

- h3

10-13-13, 05:10 PM
looks good. Seems like it was just a bump/bruise and it is getting better!

10-13-13, 06:29 PM
From the pictures it looks like your snake had/has a mild case of scale rot. This is usually caused by exposure to bacteria or fungus that gets under the scale and causes irritation that leads to an infection of the epidermis underlying the scales. The skin starts to fester, causing the discoloration of the overlying scales and potentially some loss of scales if it gets bad enough. This is why I don't like paper towels for larger snakes- they are very absorbent but they hold in water and exposure to damp conditions is one of the primary causes of scale rot.

For cases as mild as your snake, treatment can be correcting the environment and waiting to see if the snake heals. You can also apply triple antibiotic ointment or betadine. I prefer betadine. In fact, I received a rescue rattlesnake that had such bad belly scale rot she had open pussing sores. I treated her with daily soaks in equal parts betadine, hydrogen peroxide and warm water and housed her on sterile non-waxed butcher paper. She recovered nicely and was all healed within two sheds.

Best of luck; I hope your snake's sores stay healed and don't return. I'd look into switching to aspen bedding or unwaxed butcher paper so you can avoid the lingering dampness of paper towels.

10-20-13, 08:08 AM
Thanks for the input Willow, but do you really think that looks like scale rot? I do use paper towels, I'm not a fan of aspen - especially with these snakes, because they go to the bathroom multiple times a week. I never feel like it is really clean. I work early morning, and if they go to the bathroom a few minutes after I leave, then obviously they have to sit in it till I get home. Does unwaxed butcher paper has the absorbent properties of paper towels? I don't want a pool of feces in the enclosure. As we all know our snakes don't care if there is poop or not, they'll go lay on it if feel like it. My Lucy did shed right before I posted that picture, I'm hoping on her next shed she will be the snow white color in those spots that made me want to get her to begin with. Again thank you very much for your input!

- h3