View Full Version : Central American Boas.

09-18-13, 09:03 PM
Anyone here have Central American boas?
My girl Velvet is about 3 feet long, almost two years old, and gorgeous. I am.not sure if she is a motley, or genetic stripe and het for caramel albino.
She is super laid back, a great feeder and has incredible iridescence. On pictures without flash she almost looks solid black.
Let's see yours!

09-18-13, 09:28 PM
wow that's one nice looking snake. What kind of central american boa is she?(locality)

I have a pair of Caulker Caye boas which I plan to breed in a few years. They are both yearlings and still smaller than 1.5 feet. Female is the laid back one, male so far wants to rip my face off everytime I open his tub.





09-19-13, 05:27 AM
I am mot sure which locality exactly, I could contact the breeder and ask but she was sold to us just as a Central American.

Yea, your male does look fiesty lol

I also have a Hog Island boa, he is gorgeous, very slender but long with wonderful disposition.

09-19-13, 05:30 AM
Cool boa!!!!!

09-19-13, 06:20 AM
I have a 2008 female hypo blood. I am not sure what strain of hypo it is but she is barely over 5' long.

09-19-13, 06:25 AM
I have a 2008 female hypo blood. I am not sure what strain of hypo it is but she is barely over 5' long.

Nice, do you have any pics? I think hypo bloods have el salvadorean genes in them. Or at least that's what I'm reading in "the complete boa constrictor"

09-19-13, 06:52 AM
Yes, I would love to see her too.

09-19-13, 08:15 AM
I want a boa haha I'm planing on getting an indonesian tree boa

09-19-13, 09:50 AM
I know that it is from central America but I'm not sure what locality the hypo gene originated from. Hoggs, Nicaraguans, Sonoran and Colombian all have a naturally occurring hypo gene.

09-19-13, 11:01 AM
Here is my Hog Island male. When I got him his pattern was very clean. After the last shed he gained a bit of speckling which I find very appealing in a Hog. He has a great amount of pink/salmon color on the sides, and he does change colors throughout the day. At night he gets really dark on his face and tail.
He is from Vin Russo's breeding.

09-19-13, 12:34 PM
Stunning boas, all of them!