View Full Version : clicking sound
02-05-03, 07:32 PM
i have a snake make this clicking sound from his mouth.i also have a columbian boa and this snake makes the same sound.i have no idea if this is normal or not. if someone could shed some light on the subject.that would be cool thanks.
02-05-03, 09:40 PM
I jave a ball python that does the same thing.
Colin Friesen
02-05-03, 10:11 PM
Both my bp's do the same... I think its the heat pits?? Please corect me if i'm wrong.;)
02-06-03, 08:46 AM
That could be a few things....
The click noise is sometimes a symptom of a respitory infection. CHeck your snakes temps and humidity and see if they are ok, and if the snake leaves his mouth open A LITTLE BIT to breath, and look in the nostrils to see if there is anyway kind of liquid. If all of those are "no" then it should be fine as long as it doesn't wheeze as well.
My blood pythons click as well. It is them "growling" to warn you .. "even tho i'm only a foot long.. i can still kick your ***!" but yea.. if they still click even after you handle them check the RI symptoms..
02-06-03, 08:55 AM
The symptoms you describe could be a respiratory infection.....
What are your temp and humidity levels?
Is there any discharge around the snakes nose or mouth?
Does it appear to be holding it's head up or mouth open to breathe?
02-06-03, 06:57 PM
No, mine does not keep her mouth open to breath. She has no discharge and when handled she does not do it.
She was at the vet a few weeks ago to be treated for worms and she is clean now, and the vet said she looks good to her
02-06-03, 08:57 PM
well he does not have anything comeing out his nose,does open his mouth but it looks like he is stetching or yawning.i may be over concerd but i wanted to know if it was common or not will watch closely over the next couple of days for the ri symptons. I have one more question if it was an RI problem is that contagious.
thank for the help everone.
02-07-03, 06:09 PM
I don't think I've even heard of that.......interesting.
02-07-03, 06:53 PM
It depends on what is causing the RI.
If you have a snake that you think may have one to be safe I would immediately separate it from your others and work to get rid of the RI before putting it back with them.
Animal.. has your snake recently gone thru it's blue phase?
I've had snakes for over20 years and I'v never heard them click. As to the worming, if you don't do it twice over two weeks(some people do it three times over 6 weeks) Its a wast of time
orry thats twice over four weeks,
03-26-03, 09:34 PM
Clicking is a pretty normal RI symptom. If you give them a soak in water and they ever blow bubbles afterwards that's another classic symptom.
You can help them fight off RI by increasing their ambient temp to the high end of their range. Increased humidity also helps them breathe if they have an RI, not by misting but perhaps a warm moist towel on top of their tank.
Just like a warm moist towel on your chest helps you when you have a cold!
A vet visit is in order...
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