View Full Version : I'm new to the forums

09-17-13, 10:13 AM
There is a pet-store going out of business Friday in my town. They have many beautiful snakes all of which or half priced. Anyway I started to by a 6 ft 6 year old hypo redtail bci boa, but when I was holding her (ruby) I noticed those dreadful little creatures (mites) crawling on my arm! This sucks because I really wanted her. I've been thinking all morning how much I want her, but I don't know how hard it will be to get rid of these mites and get her in my normal snake room. Please help me make my decision. How big of a tassel is it to get rid of all these mites without spreading to my other four snakes? Thank you so much!

09-17-13, 01:51 PM
John, if you really want her, you can do it...but it's risky.

First, arrange to keep her at a (non-reptile-owning) friend's place for a short stretch, until the mites are gone. Pre-treat her temporary enclosure with Provent a Mite and put her on newspaper. Treat again at the recommended frequency. Wait until after the second treatment plus a full week or not seeing mites until you bring her home.

Two, be sure to put her through an extra long quarantine to make sure the mites did not infect her with anything serious. They are though to be carrier for some bad stuff, so error on the side of extreme caution.

I'd also ask for an additional discount considering the extra work you will have.

Good luck whichever way you go.

09-18-13, 04:04 AM
if you already have snakes, you could have brought some mites home with you anyways; i would be very vigilant with your current collection for the next few weeks to see if theres any sign of mites, regardless of whether you buy her or not.
otherwise, just follow snake sitters advice or look up some other threads about mites.

09-18-13, 09:14 AM
Well before I went to my house me and my wife stopped by my moms and took a good shower and had her throw our clothes directly into the washing machine. I hope that helped. I also bought a rat when I was there but I froze in before I fed to my snake. Is that good enough, I heard frome somewhere that even a frozen rat thawed out could have eggs that can still hatch? I think I will just say by to ruby ever being in my collection and be thankful for the fou healthy snakes I already have. I really want a Guyana bcc boa. Do u know how I could acquire one of these over the net for a reasonable price? Preferably a 2 year old. Thanks again

09-18-13, 11:19 AM
Hey and welcome!

09-18-13, 01:58 PM
Smart precautions. Still, best to careful over the next few days, just in case.

Have you looked on any of the major classified sites?