View Full Version : How do i breed nightcrawlers.

09-15-13, 12:19 PM
Hi, i have a 6 month old savannah monitor, and i started feeding him nightcrawlers. I thought it would be best to start breeding them, but i was wondering how to.

Also i'm going to get them from a bait shop so which kind do i get (candaian or african).

Thanks! :)

09-15-13, 12:44 PM
do you have a compost heap/bin? just chuck a load in, and off you go - will take a while to build up a big population

that said, they are easy enough to catch if you have a lawn, just need a sprinkler/watering can and a bit of patience, spray/sprinkle the lawn at night, and wait for a few minutes, u'll see them pop up, pull them out firmly but slowly, or they will break (obviously dont do this if u use pest/herbicides of any kind)

09-15-13, 01:33 PM
You can mix a little bit of lettuce and eggshells etc into 5 gallon buckets with lids with topsoil. Chuck the worms in.

09-15-13, 01:37 PM
From what I understand, Breeding the Canadian night crawlers is a challenge at best.

I catch mine in the yard.

09-18-13, 12:32 AM
Well thanks for the information, but my lawn has chemical stuff all over it so I can't just catch mine. But maybe there is a place nearby I could find some, do you what kind of area they are generally in?

09-18-13, 12:41 AM
From what I understand, Breeding the Canadian night crawlers is a challenge at best.

I catch mine in the yard.


Pretty much all of the major worm companies are selling wild caught crawlers as they are not profitable to breed.

09-18-13, 04:59 AM
Well thanks for the information, but my lawn has chemical stuff all over it so I can't just catch mine. But maybe there is a place nearby I could find some, do you what kind of area they are generally in?

Mowed parks, almost any mowed lawn of meadow. People seldom deny permission if you ask first so they don't look out a window and see your flashlight and get the wrong idea.

The wonderful part about lawns and worms, Rain washes the grass and sod. (That's why we concern ourselves with the aquifers below) so unless the grass was treated yesterday, you will see worms, and if the worms are doing OK, I sincerely doubt that feeding them to your lizard will hurt a thing.

Worms are extremely sensitive to chemicals, so gather up those worms... If the juice on the lawn was that bad, they wouldn't even be there to catch.

During the winter, I just buy the bait shop night crawlers.

09-18-13, 07:32 AM
I've been wanting to breed them as well, I don't have much Money too keep buying them, so I just plan on breeding them

09-18-13, 09:23 AM
My brother in law is in to fishing and has a worm farm in a cooler in the back yard all summer. You can buy a substrate made for it. He just tosses a few dozen in during late spring and his kids fish all summer with them. He throws in kitchen waste as needed and ensures no moldy stuff lying around. He said it is stupid easy to do. He gets his starters from his yard so they would be Canadian night crawlers for sure.

09-18-13, 09:47 AM
Mowed parks, almost any mowed lawn of meadow. People seldom deny permission if you ask first so they don't look out a window and see your flashlight and get the wrong idea.

The wonderful part about lawns and worms, Rain washes the grass and sod. (That's why we concern ourselves with the aquifers below) so unless the grass was treated yesterday, you will see worms, and if the worms are doing OK, I sincerely doubt that feeding them to your lizard will hurt a thing.

Worms are extremely sensitive to chemicals, so gather up those worms... If the juice on the lawn was that bad, they wouldn't even be there to catch.

During the winter, I just buy the bait shop night crawlers.

Would it be okay if I dug up worms from my yard then? It's treated but hasn't been sprayed for a couple months.

09-18-13, 01:35 PM
My brother in law is in to fishing and has a worm farm in a cooler in the back yard all summer. You can buy a substrate made for it. He just tosses a few dozen in during late spring and his kids fish all summer with them. He throws in kitchen waste as needed and ensures no moldy stuff lying around. He said it is stupid easy to do. He gets his starters from his yard so they would be Canadian night crawlers for sure.

Idk, I'm have always heard crawlers were extremely hard to get to breed. Could they have been theses? Reptiles Canada - Test Article 1 (http://www.reptilescanada.com/content.php/115-Red-Wiggler-Worms-Keeping-and-Breeding-(Vermicomposting)?)

09-18-13, 02:41 PM
I don't know much about worms to be honest. I have used his worms when up at their place in Sault St Marie. They are huge fat worms.

09-19-13, 02:31 PM
Put some black soil in a container. Keep it moist. Throw in some worms. Feed them used coffee grounds. You can get them from a coffee shop. Coffee grounds will make them grow faster and larger.

09-29-13, 03:21 PM
Mowed parks, almost any mowed lawn of meadow. People seldom deny permission if you ask first so they don't look out a window and see your flashlight and get the wrong idea.

The wonderful part about lawns and worms, Rain washes the grass and sod. (That's why we concern ourselves with the aquifers below) so unless the grass was treated yesterday, you will see worms, and if the worms are doing OK, I sincerely doubt that feeding them to your lizard will hurt a thing.

Worms are extremely sensitive to chemicals, so gather up those worms... If the juice on the lawn was that bad, they wouldn't even be there to catch.

During the winter, I just buy the bait shop night crawlers.
Well thanks! Ill see if i can get them from my lawn then.

And to everybody else Thanks for the info on where to get them and breeding!

09-29-13, 03:23 PM
Sorry for the late response i was on vacation!

10-01-13, 08:32 AM
Got one in my yard! and my sav ate it!