View Full Version : "Dad, can I hold one of the snakes?"

09-14-13, 05:20 PM
I love it when my girls show interest in the snakes.
Tonight, my youngest wanted to hold one. We got out the platty male to let her hold for a while.
It warms my heart :)



Zoo Nanny
09-14-13, 06:36 PM
Bringing them up right!!

09-14-13, 07:05 PM
Awesomeness! :cool:

09-14-13, 07:53 PM
lookin good. Is this one of the dwarfs or are they all dwarfs? I keep forgetting..

09-14-13, 07:57 PM
Love it when kids get into the hobby in an instructional and educated way. You must be proud.

09-14-13, 08:03 PM
lookin good. Is this one of the dwarfs or are they all dwarfs? I keep forgetting..

Yep, it's a 50% Jamp. The other two are dwarf as well. I have a reverse trio
2.1 :)

09-14-13, 09:21 PM
That is awesome to see that! :)

09-14-13, 09:22 PM
Love seeing this. Two thumbs up!!

09-15-13, 11:29 AM
Very cool. My youngest daughter just love my snakes. She even told me which snakes she wants if i die. lol

09-16-13, 06:55 PM
I wish my dad was into the hobby, then it would be even easier to get whatever I want lol!

09-16-13, 07:18 PM
Is your dad receptive to the hobby at all? Maybe taking him out "herping" in the field or to a reptile expo and you can "show" him how much you know and how important it is to you...maybe he may start showing some interest? Idk... I just know I get really jazzed when I see my girls dive into a hobby/subject I want to get into it with them.

Another hobby we share :)
http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh572/mtucker66/IMG_0167_zps09ca7bc5.jpg (http://s1252.photobucket.com/user/mtucker66/media/IMG_0167_zps09ca7bc5.jpg.html)

09-16-13, 07:19 PM
Very cool. My youngest daughter just love my snakes. She even told me which snakes she wants if i die. lol

LOL! "Dad, I want the silver"...."no, I want the house"...."no, wait...I want the snakes!" Awesome :)

09-16-13, 07:21 PM
My father doesn't care for any "hobby" in existence. But he will hold any reptile I've ever brought home, and get bitten repeatedly without flinching. When the 3 foot mangrove got out in the house, I told my dad and he said "ok, we find it" lol

Business is my dads hobby, so before I worked all I had to do was convince him it was an investment, although I never made any money....

If my son isn't the reptile type, I will just trade him for another I think

09-16-13, 07:27 PM
If my son isn't the reptile type, I will just trade him for another I think

I LOL'd on that one :)

09-17-13, 07:11 AM
LOL! "Dad, I want the silver"...."no, I want the house"...."no, wait...I want the snakes!" Awesome :)
I was showing her boy friend my snake room and she like "when my dad dies i get Electra,(my big Jungle) the BRB's, the Dumeril Boa, Bredli Python and his Diamond x Jungle".

09-17-13, 07:16 AM
My daughter is the same way. Absolutley FEARLESS & loves all animals! Love the pics!