View Full Version : Hi, I'm new and deathly afraid of snakes.

09-13-13, 02:28 PM
I found this snake skin in the unfinished part of my basement. I was told it's a black rat snake or king snake. Either way, I hate it and need it gone. I ordered a few tape traps to hopefully catch it.

It's a fairly new house out in the woods. I searched and search, sealed a few small spots where something might have gotten in.

Anyways, can you guys recommend how to catch a snake in case these tape traps don't work?

The skin measured out around 5 feet long. I'm deathly afraid of snakes, so this thing has got to go.

09-13-13, 02:48 PM
chances are it shed and then left.

There is no reason to be afraid. ;) the snake would only stay if it has food, and since they eat mice/rats... then it will only stay around if you have mice or rats in your home.

Personally, I would prefer the snake.

Zoo Nanny
09-13-13, 03:11 PM
Please don't use the glue traps. They are horribly cruel to the animals. Plus if you catch it with the trap how will you transport it out of the house? The traps don't kill them.

09-13-13, 03:13 PM
Is a tape trap as harmful as it sounds? Is there nobody you can get to have a good look around for you to make sure it has gone and if it hasn't they could catch and release it somewhere safe? As mentioned it has probably left but to eliminate your fears just get someone else to have a look for you to make sure.

09-13-13, 03:13 PM
a shed about 5 feet long probably means you are dealing with only a 3 foot (or so) snake. the sheds tend to stretch as they come off. Lots of people who lose their PET snakes and want to see them again never do, so you may never run into it again; infernalis is probably right your invader probably has gone well on his way.

09-13-13, 03:31 PM
tape traps are one of the most horrible ways to catch a snake, i dont care how scared you are, thats no excuse for cruelty.

you cant really move into a forest and not expect to come across wildlife, you just need to face up to your fear, because you can be sure theres a hell of allot more snakes out there, all waiting to keep your house rodent free - fear of snakes can be over come, it is not inbuilt or genetic, its just a phobia :)

09-13-13, 03:32 PM
Is a tape trap as harmful as it sounds? Is there nobody you can get to have a good look around for you to make sure it has gone and if it hasn't they could catch and release it somewhere safe? As mentioned it has probably left but to eliminate your fears just get someone else to have a look for you to make sure.

the snakes rarly survive being trapped, they certainly dont survive being ripped to pieces when people try to unstick them :(

09-13-13, 03:59 PM
I was going to post an image of just how cruel these traps are, but the pictures all make me sad...

Just google (images) Snake glue trap, anyone looking at that would have to be heartless to consider using such a cruel device....

Zoo Nanny
09-13-13, 04:44 PM
I live in an area with lots of mice and other critters. The few years that we had a snake overwinter in our crawl space I was thrilled. We were mouse free and the snake did not come into the house. It stayed in the crawlspace where it was warm for the winter and left in the spring fat and happy. Once you start dealing with the mice this winter you will be begging for more snakes in the basement. Mice don't stay down there they like to make their homes in your home. Insulation in the oven is one of the favorite nesting spots.

09-13-13, 06:33 PM
I was going to post an image of just how cruel these traps are, but the pictures all make me sad...

Just google (images) Snake glue trap, anyone looking at that would have to be heartless to consider using such a cruel device....

The pictures are disturbing. I never even liked the glue traps for the mice. The way they just are stuck there to starve to death is cruel.

09-14-13, 12:22 PM
Not a nice thing to do is it to trap an animal that probably been there longer than you its simple really u should live in a city less chance ov bumping in to snakes and other reptiles. Pleas get some one to catch it and let it go for you if u even c it ever again no need to be crule

09-15-13, 12:25 PM
Helpful tip of the day- You can "unstick" an animal from the tape traps by submerging the tape trap and the part of the animal stuck in oil such as olive, vegetable, or canola oil.