View Full Version : What kind of monitor is this?

09-12-13, 11:45 AM
Komodo by =BelovedWithKindness on deviantART (http://belovedwithkindness.deviantart.com/art/Komodo-399597042)

I'm wondering what kind of monitor lizard this is. The person who posted it says that it's a Komodo dragon. I've never seen one colored like this, and the photos of juveniles I see also do not have this pattern. The nose also looks wrong for a Komodo dragon, but it could be the angle. As far as I know there are no subspecies for the Komodo dragon. The person also claims that Komodos in captivity and from wet environments have this pattern. Are they correct, or is it another monitor lizard species?

09-12-13, 11:50 AM
looks like a Nile to me

maybe the zoo is trying it on, like they do in China: BBC News - China 'dog-lion': Henan zoo mastiff poses as Africa cat (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-23714896) :D

09-12-13, 12:17 PM
she is deluded to keep insisting it is a komodo

09-12-13, 04:32 PM
Varanus ornatus without a doubt.

Komodos do have patterning when young, but that does not make this a Komodo...

09-12-13, 04:47 PM
ornate nile as pirac said. The 'snout' is nothing like komodoensis.

Upon reading the comments, I think she is just having a bit of fun trolling people, or the stupidest reptile keeper ever.

09-12-13, 04:51 PM
ornate nile as pirac said. The 'snout' is nothing like komodoensis.

Upon reading the comments, I think she is just having a bit of fun trolling people, or the stupidest reptile keeper ever.My guess is that she's just a normal person who took a picture of a big lizard at a zoo...

09-12-13, 04:58 PM
I was gonna say that too, from what little you could see of the enclosure

09-12-13, 05:10 PM
That's what I thought, but I just wanted to make sure, and I wasn't sure what else it would have been. I'm not familiar with monitors. lol I have no clue why she's insisting it's a Komodo dragon. And, yes, it's at a zoo, she said a butterfly garden had a reptile exhibit.

09-12-13, 05:17 PM
Ornate nile is my guess.

09-12-13, 09:10 PM
plain varanus ornatus, no nile in it anymore lol