09-11-13, 02:31 PM
I'm new here! I actually need some information on Storeria dekayi. My son found one about a week ago and we decided to keep it! We just found another one and I'm wondering if we can cage them together or if they are territorial? We finally found out what they eat and fed the one 2 worms today, he gobbled them up!! I put them together for a couple of minuets and they didn't fight and actually one freaked out and crossed over the other one but then they just sat and checked each other out. One was curled up and the other stretched out. I just don't want them killing each other. Apparently where we are from they are a county record and a friend of mine who works at Milford Lake Nature Center wants me to turn one in. No problem! We also own a California King. We've had him for about 5 years. I know how to take care of him but I'm thinking the little brown snakes care will be different since they are ground dwellers. We found them down in our cellar, dark, moist, cool so I assume that's what they like. Any help on how to care for our new friends is welcome! Thanks for this forum!!! :)