View Full Version : Buggin out hardcore

09-06-13, 07:03 PM
So I was bored, nothing to do and went for a drive through the heavily wooded neighboring town. They have nice roads for just cruising. I'm driving along, and I see a cat eating something on the side of the road. As I get closer I notice it has really strange spotting, like a cheetah or whatever, then as I pass it and it scurries back into the woods, I realized the thing was freakin HUGE.

Slammed my breaks, pulled a u-turn shut off my lights and waited for him to come out again. He had his head peaking through the bushes, way higher up than a normal feral cat. He came out again, crouched down low to the ground and back to the same spot, turned my lights on again to see him better and he booked again. Was not a mountain lion, lynx, bobcat, or regular cat. I was buggin out, came home to check craigslist if someone lost an f1 savannah or something...no luck.

Then I found this : Cryptomundo Servals in NY and Ohio ~ and California? (http://www.cryptomundo.com/cryptozoo-news/servals-oop/)

NY is the neighboring state....dunno how reliable that is but pics look real.


09-06-13, 07:18 PM
These things are so easily avoidable but owners think they can treat their servals like any other cat, the morons. They require respect and an elaborate enclosure with a double door system and locks.

09-06-13, 07:20 PM
I am not sure if these are legal as pets where you are but did it look like this?

09-06-13, 07:23 PM
No it was more 'lanky' with less muscular of a build and less pattern to it. I've been awake for quite some time so I could have just been hallucinating hahaha (joking)

The neighborhood is a very very rich one too, so thats why something exotic actually made sense to me. What is the species you have pictured ?

09-06-13, 07:25 PM
ocelots are very much not legal, probably wouldn't be one of those. Almost impossible to get I think?

09-06-13, 09:44 PM
Most likely a Savannah Cat, which is an exotic hybrid between a Serval and a domestic cat. They are the largest cat that is still classified as 'domestic'.


09-07-13, 07:28 AM
Yup it is an Ocelot in the the pick.

09-07-13, 11:03 AM
Why are you so sure it was not a bobcat? A younger hungry bobcat would not necessarily resemble your stereotypical bobcat, and there are plenty around your area.

09-07-13, 12:48 PM
Ive seen them. The fur color/thickness, ears and long neck

09-07-13, 12:50 PM
and it had a tail lol

09-07-13, 01:18 PM
Sounds like a Savannah then, unless the tail was only slightly longer than a bobcats? Anyway I hope someone finds their cat, people are gonna freak out if they find a serval or serval hybrid on the loose :( not something us exotic enthusiasts need.

Zoo Nanny
09-07-13, 01:46 PM
More and more of these hybrids are being released as they mature. People buy them expecting them to be your typical house cat only to find that they are still a wild animal. Really very sad for the cat as it's going to be killed regardless of it's temperament. Some things just weren't meant to be in captivity. These cats are legal to purchase in RI and CT so not surprised to see them loose.