View Full Version : sav lost interest in crickets

09-05-13, 02:42 PM
It has been 2 weeks since I fed him crix and he loved them last time but today he treat them like they are not food. But he will eat everything else like super worms fish mouse etc. I gave him crix first but he won't take them so I tried other prey and he eagerly ate them. He just passed 2 feet perhaps crix are too small to bother now?

09-05-13, 02:47 PM
yes. once they hit a certain length they stop eating crix, at this point roaches are a better choice. hes too big for crix anyway now. mine wont touch them.

09-05-13, 02:53 PM
Damn... Now there are 200 crix in the cage. They will likely reproduce and never go away now they there are no predators for them...

09-05-13, 02:54 PM
Will he lose interest in super worms too? We don't have roaches I'm Canada its illegal here so super worms is the most affordable insect left if he doesn't eat crix. Or else I gotta go for horn worms and that is costly.

09-05-13, 03:09 PM
I just switched to Madagascar hissing roaches, 3 inches long and an ounce a bug, that's one mammoth insect.


09-05-13, 03:22 PM
I just switched to Madagascar hissing roaches, 3 inches long and an ounce a bug, that's one mammoth insect.

Do you breed those? Can those things climb walls?(glass, plastic unlike dubia)

09-05-13, 04:18 PM
Do you breed those? Can those things climb walls?(glass, plastic unlike dubia)

Yes they climb VERY well hahaha thats why I never got them.

Wayne, how long do they take to reach that size, 6 months? Just curious as thats pretty huge and the dubs take a few months to get to their adult size.

09-05-13, 05:45 PM
My guy lost interest in crickets once he hit around the 2 foot mark. I stopped feeding them for a while, and now every once in a while I'll toss in a few hundred and he gobbles them right up :).

09-05-13, 05:52 PM
To answer the hisser questions.

A. I have them in a tank with a locking screen top that seals down tight.

B. No idea how long to grow up, I only just recently picked up a "colony" of adults at a reptile show.. ask me again in a few months how fast they grow.

09-06-13, 04:33 AM
Least its only crickets lol mine has no interest even in dubias whatsoever :(

09-06-13, 04:54 AM
Least its only crickets lol mine has no interest even in dubias whatsoever :(

have you tried offering them to him using tongs? I finally persuaded mine to eat some, inbetween offering him mice with the tongs, he only seems to like the males, which is a bit strange, but fine with me as thats mostly what he'll be getting anyway until my colonies have reached a decent size

09-06-13, 05:10 AM
thats mostly what he'll be getting anyway until my colonies have reached a decent size
I have the opposite problem lol! My colony is now so huge that I've decided I need to feed off a few hundred females. I literally have thousands of the buggers now and they eat a tremendous emount of food. I also removed their heat pad hoping it would slow them down, but no luck hehe.

09-06-13, 05:26 AM
I have the opposite problem lol! My colony is now so huge that I've decided I need to feed off a few hundred females. I literally have thousands of the buggers now and they eat a tremendous emount of food. I also removed their heat pad hoping it would slow them down, but no luck hehe.

haha fair enough - thought have selling them? then they would pay for their own up keep, with a little extra on top, here in the UK you can pay close to £1 per adult ($1.6!), more expensive that locusts lol