View Full Version : Need Help with Frog

09-01-13, 08:30 AM
Whats up guys. Went for a swim in the pool after my workout and was checking the filters for frogs. A few dead ones and I noticed one looked like it was moving (being thrashed around in under water I doubted it) so I pulled out the basket and thought it was dead. After a minute in my hand it kinda 'woke up'

Another few minutes and it was clinging onto my head, exhausted and bloated I guess you could say. Anyways, I took it home, gave it a bath in poland springs water at room temp (to try to rinse off chlorine or whatever, I know nothing about frogs).

I put him in a extra rubbermaid with holes, damp paper towel and the thermometer is staying at about 79 degrees. Theres also a petri dish of poland springs water in there. So basically, what am I doing wrong and what else should I do to give him a decent chance...

Not sure what type of frog he is, but he has red on the bottom of his legs that the other one I posted a while back didn't have.

Oh, and after I gave him a bath and warmed him up a bit (my pool is freezing), he started leaping and actually moving...so thats a good sign I think...lol

Here are pics:



09-01-13, 08:37 AM
So after checking, I'm guessing this is still a greys/grays tree frog? Trying to do some reading but not sure on the species...

09-01-13, 09:30 AM
Definitely a tree frog lol. Cute little guy! Good save!

09-01-13, 09:34 AM
Definitely a tree frog lol. Cute little guy! Good save!

I know its a tree frog -_- , just not 100% sure on type. Even grays has 2 subspecies or something.

Anyways, his color changed. He is now gray, with the mossy green back that the other one I posted a while back has so I'm pretty sure now on species.
Maybe he's chillen in his new all expenses paid hotel so his stress went down and he's coloring back up?

09-01-13, 01:45 PM
Hes really brightening up. Think I'm gonna try to feed him a cricket and if he eats it, I'll send him on his way :P

Looks like a completely different frog now


09-01-13, 02:07 PM
Nice grey tree frog (Hyla versicolor). How is he acting now? Any foliage for him to climb and hide on? WC grey tree frogs generally handle well to captivity.

09-01-13, 02:30 PM
Nice grey tree frog (Hyla versicolor). How is he acting now? Any foliage for him to climb and hide on? WC grey tree frogs generally handle well to captivity.

He is hiding under a fold in the paper towel. Hes being kept in an shelf so its pretty dark in there, but when I pull it out to check on him he hides again. No foliage or anything, not planning to keep him if he seems like hes doing fine. Not big on keeping WC animals.

You think I should let him go now or wait a bit? He was like half dead when I found him is the only reason I took him to the house

09-01-13, 07:34 PM
I would feed him a couple of crickets because he probably hasn't eaten in awhile and then set him free the next day