View Full Version : update on my slow growing bci and bcc

08-27-13, 08:26 AM
Well as many of you know i dont know if you remember my bcc i got ended up having pin worms and wouldnt hold food down. i tried everything and finally got him holdng food down after his treatments. he is very under weight 4 foot at 270 grams but eating a small mouse every 10 days. soon to go to a medium and start workin his way up. slowly but surly.

Well anyways my bci albino i got off bob clark is a super slow grower but finally starting to grow. he was 57 grams when i first got him back in march. he is now only 97 grams as of last night. eating 7 days on hoppers. going up next week to small mice.

The weird part about him is he has only shed once in my care an that has been since march. but he poops regularly and eats every meal i offer him.

here is a picture of him 2 months ago

http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t119/5speedstang/7FCC50DC-978B-420F-8A17-99DFE2A773EC-17800-000007B5AD05FE20_zpse0f5fe75.jpg (http://s158.photobucket.com/user/5speedstang/media/7FCC50DC-978B-420F-8A17-99DFE2A773EC-17800-000007B5AD05FE20_zpse0f5fe75.jpg.html)

and here is one of him as of last night before feeding and after a massive dump.
http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t119/5speedstang/DDF39A0E-2ED6-4350-B16B-52EBDEECDD8B-17800-000007B5B2BA1930_zps7d9dfaed.jpg (http://s158.photobucket.com/user/5speedstang/media/DDF39A0E-2ED6-4350-B16B-52EBDEECDD8B-17800-000007B5B2BA1930_zps7d9dfaed.jpg.html)

now on other hands my dumerils is growing like a weed. pounding small rats every 10 days 75-80 grams.

08-27-13, 02:54 PM
Glad to hear it eating for you and getting better.

08-27-13, 03:19 PM
Happy to hear he's on the way up!

08-27-13, 07:28 PM
I haven't read your previous posts. But with my BCI, she's about 5 months, and she eats adult mice no problem every week. It's the only thing I can find to leave a lump in her stomach. She's about 2 feet and as thick as a quarter or so. I'm no expert but maybe increasing the prey size will help? This would explain the slow shedding and growth. If someone more experienced could confirm this.

08-29-13, 07:09 PM
Stunning snake and congrats on the growth :)

Cmwells90, I have Magenta on rat crawlers (20-25 grams), she's ready for weaned. I've never fed her mice, though. She IS growing like a weed though, she's already almost 2 1/2 feet. So yeah, I'd get her on rats.

08-29-13, 08:06 PM
It may seem like slow growth right now, in a couple years tho.. You will wonder where the time went lol