View Full Version : If you had all the space in the world

08-27-13, 07:17 AM
What sized enclosures would you give your snakes when fully grown? How much more space than the "minimal" size would you give them?

I got to thinking about what I would give my bigger rat snakes, carpet pythons...etc when they grew up. I've never seen a full grown carpet or russian ratsnake in person but I can't imagine a 4x2 would be ideal for a 6-8 ft snake, especially ones that like to climb and are more active than your ball python or boa constrictor.

EL Ziggy
08-27-13, 08:03 AM
I have (2) kingsnakes that are in 40 gal vivs now. I know they could happily live their entire lives in them but ideally I'd like to have them in a 55-60 gal custom enclosure with lots of hides, perches, and plants. I'd also like 1-3 more snakes : )

08-27-13, 08:05 AM
I know they could happily live their entire lives in them

how do you know? lol

EL Ziggy
08-27-13, 08:44 AM
how do you know? lol
Ok, I stand corrected. I've read and I've been told, which leads me to believe : ) ~

08-27-13, 08:50 AM
Ok, I stand corrected. I've read and I've been told, which leads me to believe : ) ~



08-27-13, 09:00 AM
Sell it to you chumps and keep my snakes in racks in my house.

08-27-13, 09:04 AM
Sell it to you chumps and keep my snakes in racks in my house.

I'll take it :)

08-27-13, 09:26 AM
I'd put a small house next to my house, fill it with racks, and give the rest of it to people who need more land to live on.

08-27-13, 09:31 AM
I'd put a small house next to my house, fill it with racks, and give the rest of it to people who need more land to live on.

How very nice of you

08-27-13, 09:38 AM
My Irian Jaya is going into 5x3x5

08-27-13, 09:46 AM
My Irian Jaya is going into 5x3x5

Nice. I was thinking 4x3x3 for mine but ill have to see once it reaches adult size.

08-27-13, 10:01 AM
I am thinking about going a little bigger and co-habbing a pair. I have been researching keeping breeding pairs together.

Awaiting Abyss
08-27-13, 12:50 PM
I currently have my little guy in a 20 gallon. I plan on moving him to a 40 or 50+ gallon space when he gets bigger (currently he is still small). I have all of my other animals in plenty of space. I never settle for the bare minimum with any pet.

08-27-13, 03:01 PM
If I truly had all the space I would give each snake I have a bedroom sized enclosure with running water ,uv lighting and living plants.

08-27-13, 03:21 PM
If I truly had all the space I would give each snake I have a bedroom sized enclosure with running water ,uv lighting and living plants.

Totally this. I would love multiple greenhouses all set to different habitats.

08-27-13, 03:33 PM
If I truly had all the space I would give each snake I have a bedroom sized enclosure with running water ,uv lighting and living plants.

Same here. I would go out and get more animals, I would improve my enclosures first then maybe get some new animals.

08-27-13, 04:00 PM
I would own a tegu, a chameleon or two, some ackies, some carpets, maybe a gtp or two and a frilly or two and the smallest of the enclosures would be 6x6x3 foot.

08-27-13, 04:26 PM
Right now, my 20+ yr old ball python is in a 28" x 24" Vision Cage. If I had all the space in the world, I would give him...

...a 28" x 24" Vision cage, because he's a boring lump of scales that never moves unless he's eating.

08-27-13, 04:30 PM
I would go out and get more animals

That was suppose to read "I wouldn't"

08-27-13, 06:07 PM
That was suppose to read "I wouldn't"

Hahaha poison. "Phew" I thought there was something wrong with me. I kept re-reading it like "whaaaaat" trying to recall my last hockey concussion. Thanks for clearing that up.

08-27-13, 06:08 PM
Right now, my 20+ yr old ball python is in a 28" x 24" Vision Cage. If I had all the space in the world, I would give him...

...a 28" x 24" Vision cage, because he's a boring lump of scales that never moves unless he's eating.

My ball pythons are not boring. I had a great set-up with tinted glass and I used very low wattage heat lamps, and my royal was out cruising constantly.

08-27-13, 06:12 PM
I would probably pick a very interesting diurnal species which lives in groups in the wild, create a large biodome type deal, and get a whole bunch of them and watch em through a big ol glass window. Would prob be enough for me honestly

08-27-13, 07:50 PM
because he's a boring lump of scales that never moves unless he's eating.

Why do you have him if you're so bored by him?

08-27-13, 10:36 PM
Why do you have him if you're so bored by him?

Cause they are awesome to handle. They just sit there.... lol

08-28-13, 06:05 AM
Why do you have him if you're so bored by him?

He was my very first snake. 20 yrs. Nostalgia.

08-28-13, 06:13 AM
He was my very first snake. 20 yrs. Nostalgia.

You've had him for 20 years? Nice. How long is he?

08-28-13, 09:23 AM
I would put my king in a 40 gal, both my garters in their own 20 gal long tanks, and i would also put my leo in a 20 long and add another leo to give her a friend:p I would also want to get a tegu, a chameleon, a brooks king snake, a carpet python, and a burmese python.