View Full Version : Wanting to breed

08-24-13, 08:41 PM
Hi i have a female albino boa that im wanting to breed as soon as shes a breedable size. I dont know what type of male to get. What would i get from albino x sunglow? Albino x lipstick sunglow? Albino x snow? Or albino x moonglow?

08-26-13, 03:10 PM
albino x sunglow and albino x lipstick sunglow is the same thing. Lipstick is a line of boas it is not morph in itself.

albino x sunglow
normal 100% albino
hypos 100% sunglow (het albino)

albino x snow
normal 100% snow(het albino and het anery)
albino 100% snow (het anery)

albino x moonglow
normal 100% snow (het albino and het anery)
hypo 100% moonglow (het albino, het anery)
albino 100% snow (het anery)
sunglow 100% moonglow (het anery)

I would get something codom and that carries the albino gene as well.