View Full Version : Has anyone used Nix safely?

08-24-13, 10:56 AM
I've been doing some research about using nix is a 1:64 part solution to kill mites and their eggs. I'v also seen people talk about using a 1:1 ratio with Nix. Which is safer? I would thing common sense would dictate using the least amount of chemicals. I also read that it's safe to put on the snake's head. Is this safe? Any personal experience, or advice would be great. I haven't treated my ball python with nix yet, I've been using something we bought from the pet store, but it isn't working. I just wanted to figure out a way to treat her without hurting her.

Thanks in advance

08-24-13, 11:03 AM
Yes. It's commonly used. Go with the more diluted solution.

I spray the entire snake and the enclosure. I leave the water bowl out over night though so they don't sit in it and then drink the nix solution.

08-24-13, 11:07 AM
I hate using chemicals as well, I just follow the directions on the box, cant imagine using 1/1 that's seems pretty harsh, i buy the box of nix at the pharmacy, pretty small bottle, and make 8 gallons of spray out of it, half a bottle per 4 liter milk jug, spray the snakes, get them nice and wet, make sure to really get the head, as the mites always try to hide near the eyes and nose, get the entre cage, get everything sprayed, remove water of course, don't want the snake rinsing itself off and drinking the poisoned water after, let sit a day, clean, lets snake have a drink for a bit, then then repeat, after 2 attempts your mites should be gone, i heard stories that the nix can build up in snakes tissues and release and kill the snake after years of use, but i think its just stories, would like to see actual proof of this. either way gl, i have used nix many times over all the years and its worked and no ill effects yet. as well i know lots of breeders that use nix at every snake show they go to, in order to spray off their selling areas and tables when they bring their snakes to the reptile shows and sales.

08-24-13, 11:31 AM
I used nix about two years ago when I had a snake with mites. I still have that snake and haven't noticed any bad effects from the nix treatment. I just put one nix bottle into one gallon of water. I forgot the exact ratio that is but its worked out fine for me.

08-24-13, 04:44 PM
I used nix on my boas. I bought the nix shampoo. I added the entire bottle to a 4l jug of distilled water. I soaked the enclosure after pulling out the water dish. Sprayed down the logs and everything. Then I sprayed the entire snake down and put them in the enclosure. A day later I bathed the snakes and put the water dish back but left the enclosure. 2 weeks later I repeated everything and the mites were gone.

08-25-13, 07:25 AM
i used nix as well. i put the little bottle in a gallon of distilled water and sprayed the snake and the cage once a day for a week and that was the only thing that killed the mites for me. i used reptile releif and everything else but nix was what got them gone.

08-25-13, 08:29 AM
Thank you guys so much. I was worried, I didn't want to accidentally kill my baby. :) Got her from the pet store, and she ALREADY had mites.... I was PISSED. Luckily, she's my only reptile. But I want to get more soon, but I want to get this mite problem nipped in the bud. I tried the crap the pet store told me they used, but that crap did not work!

08-25-13, 09:37 AM
Pet stores .... let's leave it at that.