View Full Version : CBB water monitors CBB ackies

08-23-13, 11:47 AM
Hello all. New to the forums. Currently in the market to purchase a water monitor or a trio of red ackies. Right now im leaning more towards the single water. Ive kept savs in the past, i had a pair about a decade ago for a number of years but unfortunately had to find a new home for them due to some life changes. Now ive had my eye on Vital Exotics CBB waters and they look absolutely magnificent. Has anyone on here dealt with the company or keep any of there waters? Also does anyone know any reputable ackie breeders?

08-23-13, 06:45 PM
There are many reputable ackie breeders, but the wait list for most is long and I don't want to direct you to anyone unless he offers to sell (there is a breeder on here). As for Vital, he is a member here and is constantly giving us updates, and has an extensive care sheet about the true care required for the species which is something you don't find often since its a major turn off for most that they can't keep it in an aquarium and feed it hamburger. Haven't purchased anything from Kris but a few here have, and were very happy with his service.

08-23-13, 06:49 PM
Sounds good. Im definately leaning more towards Vital. The Salvators he has are absolutely amazing. I would personally love to get one of there Black Dragon Salvators.

08-23-13, 06:53 PM
Kris runs a quality program, that's for sure.

08-23-13, 07:00 PM
Sounds good. Im definately leaning more towards Vital. The Salvators he has are absolutely amazing. I would personally love to get one of there Black Dragon Salvators.

I think we'd all love one. There a bit pricey for my budget atm unfortunately, and considering I live in a 1 bedroom apartment, and a water monitor requires ...1 bedroom, it wouldn't work out haha

And yes, his water monitors are def worth the extra $$ to have a problem free CBB animal.

08-24-13, 05:21 AM
Hi guys can I see those care sheet please?

08-24-13, 05:47 AM
Care Sheets | Vital Exotics (http://www.vitalexotics.com/care-sheets/)

08-24-13, 05:48 AM
Hi guys can I see those care sheet please?

Water Monitor Care Sheet | Black Dragon Care Sheet | Varanus salvator Care Sheet | Vital Exotics (http://www.vitalexotics.com/water-monitor-black-dragon-care-sheet/)

08-24-13, 05:49 AM
Water Monitor Care Sheet | Black Dragon Care Sheet | Varanus salvator Care Sheet | Vital Exotics (http://www.vitalexotics.com/water-monitor-black-dragon-care-sheet/)

Gotta be quicker than that NOOB

08-24-13, 05:53 AM
Gotta be quicker than that NOOB

I may be slow but at least I linked to the right care sheet. :p:p:p

08-24-13, 01:28 PM
Touche hahaha

Vital Exotics
09-07-13, 12:16 PM
Thanks A LOT guys for the compliments and support! I appreciate that.

SSaunders....make sure you read the care sheets and try your best to look a few yrs down the road and make sure a Water Monitor with its large size and requirements will still fit into your program or lifestyle...if so...get in touch with me and I can answer any questions you may have and we can go from there.