View Full Version : Question about water source

08-21-13, 06:50 PM

As many of you many already know I just got my first mex mex kingsnake about a month ago. :) Anyway, since I have had him, he has eaten well, is pretty relaxed overall, and possibly going into a shed soon. However, I have never once seen him drink from his dish or get in it and soak... Should I be concerned? Do they really drink a lot of water or do they mostly get it from their food? Every time I have handled him, he has looked great and seemed very healthy. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right!

Chandler :)

08-21-13, 07:22 PM
You may never see him drink or soak dosn't meen he hasent and will not. If he looks hydrated dont worry.

EL Ziggy
08-21-13, 07:39 PM
Hi Chandler, as long as you're providing clean/fresh water daily I'm sure Enzo will be fine. I've never seen either my Cal King or MBK soak in their water dishes but I do see them drink on occasion. We can lead our snakes to water but we can't make em drink : )

08-22-13, 07:19 AM
Enzo has always looked very healthy to me from seeing his pics. He seems like a real secretive guy!;)

08-22-13, 07:27 AM
I don't know about mex mex kingsnakes but I've seen my cali and speckled kings drink from their water bowls only a couple times. As long as there is a bowl of fresh water the snake should be fine.

08-22-13, 03:58 PM
Okay awesome, y'all's responses are very reassuring. Thanks :) I have always made sure to keep fresh water in his bowl daily but now I KNOW he soaked because I found his shed skin this morning partially in the water bowl-- that's another thing, he FINALLY shed!! Super exciting! All in one piece too hehe


Anyway, thanks again! I will continue to keep y'all updated! :D