View Full Version : Savannah Monitor activity level?
08-18-13, 09:46 PM
Hello everyone, Im wondering just how active my monitor should be. Its about 5 months old and around 10 inches long.
First thing in the morning it spends about 20 minutes basking before wondering around. It has an elevated piece of granite as a basking spot, and she spends most of her day lying under it, but from time to time it basks for a few, then wonders for a few. This goes on for maybe 6-7 hours before she heads back to her den to sleep.
Taken with a temp gun.
Basking site 128F
Under bask 95F - 100F
Warm side low 90's
Cold side low to mid 80's
Ive got two 50w halogens for heat, and was thinking about lowering them another two inches to up her basking site. Thing is, at one point I had three going, and the temp went up to 140F and it was always squirming on the rock, as if it couldnt get comfortable. I figure there must have been a hot spot, so I took away the third bulb. But otherwise she seemed more lively, not lying under her basking rock as much.
Humidity is is 80% at the cold end, and 65% under her basking rock.
08-19-13, 01:14 AM
Firstly, what substrate are you using? is their sufficient dirt to allow for burrowing activity?
Secondly, Your temps are better than so many I see from first time posters, well done!
However as a suggestion, if a third lamp goes too high, the use a lower wattage third lamp.
I am currently running 2 45 watt lamps and a 60 watt lamp and I get 150 degrees on my basking surface.
Activity wise, varies... I guess they have busy spells and inactive spells. Mine have vanished for 2 days down their holes, only to pop out and be hyper for a few days.
Prolonged inactivity would worry me. sitting around is not what monitors do.
08-19-13, 04:32 AM
What species of monitor is it....? 10 inches is small for most species at 5 months, but cant say anything till we know the species really
It's a sav. Mine is about 6 months now and over 24 inches. So 10 inches does seems kind of small.
08-19-13, 06:28 AM
I fixed the thread title to better identify the question.
I concur about the size, seems small..
Here is Cera at the same age. 24-27 inches and feisty.
08-19-13, 10:10 AM
Monitors out basking for long periods of time is telling you something!
Basking is a DANGEROUS thing to do for reptiles, they are exposed and vulnerable, they need to get their optimum temps quick and move on, if they are basking for hours the temps and/or conditions are not right.
How deep is the substrate? are you offering 24/7 heat light or 12/12 or?
08-19-13, 10:29 AM
My rule of thumb is that if they are directly under the lights for more than 15 min, it is too cold.
They should only bask a bit off center and not for super long periods.
It should be bask-cruise-bask-cruise.
They should be always moving around and be lean with well defined muscles.
Dr. Bryan Fry said this to me..... It's perfect advice.
08-19-13, 11:57 AM
Hi, can you put a few photos up of the whole enclosure, and is the 10 inches the SV (snout to vent) or ToL (total length)?
At 5 months of age I would expect the animal to be around 21 to 24inches ToL if properly supported for the whole of that period (an average of around 3+ inches per month, which isn`t an unusual amount by any means).
Also some details on the diet. Thanks!
08-19-13, 09:39 PM
First and foremost, thanks for the polite responces. Its nice being on a forum where I dont need to fear being flamed all the time:D
Ill get pics up soon.
She is currently in a 40g breeder. I have most of the screen top sealed with foil and gorilla tape. The only opening is for the lights. She has 8 inches of substrate, 70/30 peat moss and play sand.
5 months old, 10" total length. Her diet is mainly crickets with superworms and mealworms rounding it out. Since coming upon this place I have added pinky mice and want to try earth worms. Ill expore more options after getting this figured out.
Originally I went to an expo for some inverts, but my wife saw this guy and fell in love. After talking to the breeder for 45 minutes, I bought it. Based upon this guys info, I had my monitor set up in the following way for the first 4 months:
108F basking spot
Lights on for 12hrs per day
4" substrate
20g tank
feeding as many crickets as possible
I think that explains the size... and also why its so fat:( Tonight im going to add a third 50w halogen on a dimmer to get her basking spot to 135-140F
08-20-13, 10:04 AM
Sounds like you're on the right track, get away from the aquarium as soon as possible. We always tell people "aquariums are for fish" because they just don't offer the ability to allow the temperature and humidity gradients that these animals require.
You need to be able to provide a 140- 150-F basking spot that is the animals TL and areas of the enclosure that reach the low 70's at all times and a 40G "breeder" will not allow that.
general rule of thumb is 24" + of substrate.
Setting up a good enclosure is fun though! Have a blast.
08-20-13, 07:38 PM
Correct Savannah Monitor Care (
everything you need, and more.
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