View Full Version : BCC growth rate and some new pics;)

08-18-13, 09:19 PM
Hey everyone. I posted a whole back I got my bcc suriname about 8
Months ago. She hasn't grown much. She sorry she I meant grew
Like 200 grams and 6 inches. She's now feeding on small rats (100 gramd0 every 2
Weeks. She's about 300 grs

Anyway how much per moth do they grow? When will
She hit
5 ft? 7? 10??? Also when I got her she was
27 inches
So is it
Safe to
Say she is a little over a year
Now? Thanks
Is advance


08-18-13, 09:21 PM

08-18-13, 09:41 PM
where did you buy her? If you want to be exact on her age I would ask the breeder or store you bought her from.

08-18-13, 10:03 PM
Same size as mine, 5 months old.

08-19-13, 08:58 AM
Nice bcc!! As far as growth, again you should seek the counsel of the people you got her from. Wasn't it lllreptile? Only the breeder can answer how old she is and they would also be able to give you an idea of how big the parents got under whatever feeding program they had them on. If lllreptile didn't produce her they should know who did. The longer you wait to ask them the harder that info is going to be to find.

08-20-13, 08:39 AM
No I have already asked lll. They are
Not sure of their age because they come in and go out so quickly. At here length and weight I would say since suriname
Grow so slow and are
Born around
18" she must be about a year old
Or more by now. She's almost ready for medium rats I would say

08-20-13, 08:47 AM

My dumerils is around 4 foot and 750 grams and is only on small rats. feed boas slow expessaly bcc.

08-21-13, 02:05 AM
No I have already asked lll. They are
Not sure of their age because they come in and go out so quickly. At here length and weight I would say since suriname
Grow so slow and are
Born around
18" she must be about a year old
Or more by now. She's almost ready for medium rats I would say

That sucks. I'm a conservative feeder and my bcc usually step up to mediums around or before their second birthday so I'd say yours is somewhere between 1-2 years old.

08-21-13, 09:31 PM
Ya I'm going to weigh nd measure next week. Info it every 2 months. Last time in July she was about 240 grams and like 33 inches. So I'm hoping he's close to 3 ft now about about a pound. So of i feed 1:3 every 2 weeks then a medium rat (150 grams) would be good. Then when info large rats and jumbo 1/4 every 2 weeks. Then rabbits is 1/5 very 2 weeks. Once she reaches about 7 ft or has been on rabbits for at least 6 months then ill feed 1/7 every 2 weeks. For example a 10 pound boa would get about a 3 pound rabbit a month. Or 1.5 every 2 weeks. Then finally after the how is around 4 years old and over 8 to 9 ft for a female it's 10
Percent every 2 weeks. What do you all thnk about that detailed schedule? I have done a lot of research bout it. Would his be good. Not over or under feeding? I just like the know the math and not just judge by size.

08-21-13, 09:47 PM
Yeah that should be fine. Depending on whether or not she'll be breeding you may even find when she gets bigger and older that she can go every three weeks. Just have to play it by ear and keep an eye on her build. Looks good so far!