View Full Version : Waterproofing terracotta

08-15-13, 10:55 PM
Hey guys, I got these terracotta dishes dirt cheap at a feed store near my residence and I wanted to waterproof them for my snake enclosures. As it is now, they soak through and eventually get the substrate around them damp. Good for humidity I guess, but I've already got way too much of that living in a tropical country. I have some enamel from a previous project, can I use that? I'm open to suggestions. :)

08-16-13, 11:45 AM
Not sure if it's available where you live but PolyGem makes a uv protectant waterproofing coat that is formulated for use in animal enclosures it's product name is 1618.
For what it's worth, usually a humid environment outside of the enclosure does nothing to help humidity inside of the enclosure as our heat elements are constantly drying out the air inside the enclosure (if it's properly sealed) Just food for thought.
Best, let us know how it all works out.

08-23-13, 04:34 AM
Hey Ben, thanks for the advice. It is very much appreciated.

I decided to go against using the terracotta for now. Didn't want to risk it. Anyways, the plastic bowls didn't cost too much.