View Full Version : Disgusting and Blatant Cruelty
08-14-13, 08:41 AM
While surfing my T.V. last night I came to "The History Channel" Playing was the premiere episode of "The Legend of Shelby the Swamp Man" The intro. consisted of this dufus being loud, obnoxious and out of control. One of the scenes in this intro showed him holding a small water snake. The snake bit and held onto his hand. He pulled the snake off his hand and bit its head off.
Shame on you History Channel and A&E network.
I called A&E and left a comment on this worthless program. If you call choose to speak to an operator as their comment line isn't in their main menu(imagine that) They will connect you with the automated service.
The History Channel
235 E. 45th St.
New York , NY 10017
Phone: (212) 210-1400
Fax: (212) 210-9016
08-14-13, 08:45 AM
Wtf ... what is this world coming to. :-/
08-14-13, 08:52 AM
Wtf ... what is this world coming to. :-/
My thoughts exactly....
I would have expected that I could allow my grand children to watch the history channel and learn about George Washington, Revolutions, discovery & invention, things like that, not shows about people who kill animals for entertainment value.
All I can say is I am thankful that PBS & BBC still have good programming on.
08-14-13, 09:09 AM
I saw that too....sad unless of course he ate the whole snake...but I doubt it :(
08-14-13, 09:29 AM
Yeah, just like my grand parents use to say "the only good snake is a dead snake!" :(
08-14-13, 05:12 PM
People wonder why I don't have TV...[sigh]
milk man
08-14-13, 06:56 PM
I believe he ate the snake. I remember seeing the original on axe men. He lives on things he kills in the swamp. This isn't feel good TV. Its how people who live in the swamp act. The wildlife is either food or money to them. lots of people kill snakes just because they see them, but because they caught it on camera we need to have a conversation about it. Nothing that you say here will effect the way they act on this show. If you don't like a show don't support it by watching. I really hate this era of complaining about everything that is on TV and radio.
08-14-13, 07:35 PM
It wasn't so much of a complaint as it was the content it was delivered in. Anyone watching this intro. isn't going to know he eat the snake(which I doubt) they just see an animal being cruelly killed. I'm sick of the "just turn it off" mentality that helps to propagate this trash. If someone doesn't speak out than how is it going to change. If you wish to call it a complaint go ahead but I felt this community needed to know.
08-14-13, 07:41 PM
Sadly, this is how most "educational" tv goes nowadays. It's not so much the eating the animal, but more the killing and the fact that the killing and insane tactics are what are employed here.
How do you survive in the wild? Not by randomly killing animals and making hang gliders like bear grylls and every other idiot out there.
Give this a look:
If he wanted to eat the lizard, he could have just killed it with the knife. But he wanted to make a show out of it by whacking it against the tree, which did not kill it at all.
milk man
08-15-13, 04:35 AM
It wasn't so much of a complaint as it was the content it was delivered in. Anyone watching this intro. isn't going to know he eat the snake(which I doubt) they just see an animal being cruelly killed. I'm sick of the "just turn it off" mentality that helps to propagate this trash. If someone doesn't speak out than how is it going to change. If you wish to call it a complaint go ahead but I felt this community needed to know.
If you truly want it to change the best way is to write a letter or call the network, and not give them free advertising by posting about the show on the internet. I really believe that causing outrage will get people to tune in to see how crazy it is. Take a look at all the awful reality shows like jersey shore. The more the media said how awful it was the more ratings it got. It sounds counter productive to not tell people how bad a show is but ignoring a show is the best way to get it off the air, or make it change.
08-15-13, 05:21 AM
My thoughts exactly....
I would have expected that I could allow my grand children to watch the history channel and learn about George Washington, Revolutions, discovery & invention, things like that, not shows about people who kill animals for entertainment value.
All I can say is I am thankful that PBS & BBC still have good programming on.
Also this.
What OP posted doesn't surprise me, Bear Grylls does it all the time... :sad:
Whacking water monitors off tree trunks to kill them, biting frog heads off, and so on...
08-15-13, 05:29 AM
If you truly want it to change the best way is to write a letter or call the network, and not give them free advertising by posting about the show on the internet. I really believe that causing outrage will get people to tune in to see how crazy it is. Take a look at all the awful reality shows like jersey shore. The more the media said how awful it was the more ratings it got. It sounds counter productive to not tell people how bad a show is but ignoring a show is the best way to get it off the air, or make it change.
The call was made to the network and a professional message was left.
08-15-13, 06:02 AM
All i have to say is The history Channel becomes one big joke after 3:00 or 4:00 in the after noon.
08-15-13, 06:42 AM
Geez....disgusting. I really can't stand the state our "educational TV" has come to. Honey BooBoo, Top Hooker, Bachelors and Bachelorettes (aka skanky hoes and stuck-up rich jocks), Amish Mafia........Really??? THIS is what society considers "educational" these days???
I must say that I kind of enjoy Pawn Stars, but it doesn't make sense to have it on History Channel. It's NOT History.
AS for wildlife shows, far too many paint snakes (and other reptiles) in a negative light anymore, and glorify hairy unwashed rednecks killing them or hunting them willy-nilly. It's sad.
I feel the same way about "Swamp Wars" on Animal Planet. I really like the show for the fact that they catch a lot of pretty cool stuff (albeit invasive). However, the fact that the "narrator" has to go over the top with the "deadly" snake, "killer" snake, "monster" snake crap. It just sends a bad message...
milk man
08-15-13, 07:11 AM
I just watched the latest episodes (yes, I'm one of those morons who like it) and he does the same thing. He bites the head off the snake and puts it in his pocket to eat later.
Most reality shows are awful, but calling them "educational" is ridiculous. Everybody knows they are not meant to teach you anything. Honey Booboo and shows like it are freak shows nothing more.
08-15-13, 07:24 AM
Honey Booboo and shows like it are freak shows nothing more.
08-15-13, 07:27 AM
Now here is just a suggestion, check the schedules online, if you see that a classic rerun of "Mutual Of Omaha's WildKingdom" or Nat Geo Earth is on, set your tivo, tune in, whatever...
When you see that some freak is going to mate with a possum, simply chose a different show to watch, or read a book.:cool:
08-15-13, 08:15 AM
People wonder why I don't have TV...[sigh]
That makes 2 of us. I stopped watching TV along time ago. They will do anything for ratings.
08-15-13, 08:17 AM
That makes 2 of us. I stopped watching TV along time ago. They will do anything for ratings.
3 of us. Every station seems to be running the same garbage, just a different flavor.
08-15-13, 08:18 AM
That makes 2 of us. I stopped watching TV along time ago. They will do anything for ratings.
+1 without high ratings they won't exist!
08-15-13, 08:21 AM
What pxxxxxx me off is that if this were a cute little bunny, the world would be in a up roar.
Since it was a evil snake from hell everyone thinks this is ok. :(
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