View Full Version : Chase from eastern washington here

08-12-13, 03:09 AM
Just recently I have rekindled my kinship with snakes, as a kid I fell in love with them. I recently got back into them, because a 3-4 foot long 'bull' snake wandered into my house and started exploring the place. Kinda creeped me the hell out, but until he left a few hours later, I was reminded of how much I love snakes.

So the other day on a whim I went to a general pet store, not looking to buy anything, just to look. I asked for the large reptile section, just so I could see a few snakes, after washing my hands off I handled a tiny ball python. I could tell the snake wasn't happy, for two reasons. One he was about to shed, and two It sounded like had an RI infection (From what I learned later). The people at the pet store even said the smaller ones (... kept in the same tank as the bigger ones) had a URI infection.

Hindsight is 20/20.. but after washing my hands again, I tried handling one of the bigger approx 4~ foot long ball pythons, decided to buy him/her, i had lamps, heat gauges, a proper tank, stuff to make hides with. So I decided why not.

For a few days I was super happy with my new snake, and my new snake was seemingly very happy too. Then he started getting sick... I made a thread with all the details but it's pending to be put up, don't feel like explaining it again.

Looking forward to my time here learning more about other peoples experiences with other snakes. Anyway, that's my introduction.

08-12-13, 06:17 AM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


08-12-13, 06:32 AM
Hi do you have the enclosure setup with a thermostat(not a thermometer)? I find belly heat to be best for ball pythons, since they spend most of their times in hides on the ground. I would just use the heat lamp for raising ambient air temperatures across the cage.

What are you using to read this temperature/humidity?(What thermometers exactly)

What are his temperatures/humidity?

08-12-13, 07:21 AM
RI infection = respiratory infection infection

Welcome to the forums, don't buy from petstores to rescue an animal, they will only replace it with more, so in reality you just make it worse. Hope you solve the issue though.

08-12-13, 07:26 AM
Hello and welcome

08-12-13, 12:31 PM
Welcome to sSNAKESs!

08-12-13, 12:39 PM

08-12-13, 12:39 PM
Welcome! :D

08-13-13, 03:50 PM

Nice to have you join us.

08-13-13, 05:24 PM
Hello and welcome. :)