View Full Version : my dumerils boa
What a great snake. Here he is.
08-10-13, 03:49 PM
Oh yeah! Dums are awesome snakes and yours looks great :)
Some in his new enclosure the guy at work gave me its nice.
Need to get him good hide and a big container for him to soak in
Need to get him good hide and a big container for him to soak in
08-10-13, 05:02 PM
Beautiful Dum! About how old is he? Weight? I can't wait until my (little) guy gets to be that size.
08-10-13, 05:10 PM
lookin' good :) he looks a little bit bigger than my female. my male dum is a monster. that viv might be a bit small also. i like to have it be decent enough side to put a hide on each side and dedicate one to being the hot side so they can choose where they want to hang out. here's the tanks i had for my female dum and my ball python before i sold the BP. (
the tank the female dum is in is 4x2x2 i think and i will probably end up needing an even bigger one for her when she gets huge, especially since i'm considering breeding. but my female is a little bit smaller than your dum and she hangs out in the 4x2x2. they also like enough substrate on the bottom so they can burrow around because they are ambush hunters. i have abunch of pics of mine being sneaky under the substrate.
just if you didn't already know most of that, which you probably did. ;)
08-10-13, 05:39 PM
Love that Neodesha you have. I have a big one myself for Black Betty. They make great enclosures. :)
Beautiful Dum! About how old is he? Weight? I can't wait until my (little) guy gets to be that size.
He is over ten years old.i will get back to you on the weight
08-10-13, 06:28 PM
He looks great to me. Very healthy.
You now whats crazy about this snake is most people dont even see him lol.i had him over at my buddies house and he was hanging on to the railing on the porch and most people couldnt even see him. I didnt know having him out would cause so much commotion everyone wanted to see him .
08-10-13, 07:59 PM
are you sure he's 10 years old?? he looks a bit small to be full grown, but maybe the pictures are decieving. i got my dums from craigslist so im not 100%, but im pretty sure my male is in between 4-7 and he is just seeming to reach full grown and is getting to be a monster. he's darker cuz he's about to go into blue. ( (
08-10-13, 08:20 PM
Teaninja, thanks for the super creepy bathroom selfy in your undies. Nice dum though
08-10-13, 11:00 PM
you know you enjoyed it. now delete it off your wallpaper, that's harrassment.
also i don't see much different between boxer shorts and shorts, lol.
He is about four feet long maybe a little more. Not sure why the ladie that i got the snake from would lie about the age of the snake. He is a proven breeder and some ones pet for ten plus years so he is very well mannered lol. I was going to weigh him but looks to comfortable
08-11-13, 12:27 AM
Nice looking boa and cage. But it looks like the water bowl is taking up much of the hotside, and judging by the distance of the lamp to the floor of the enclosure, how do you provide a hot enough basking spot while still providing a cooler area? I'd imagine temps are pretty much the same throughout the cage.
I can physically feel with my hand a difference in surface temperature. Now do you think that it would be better to use a heat pad for this enclosure or are you saying that this enclosure is useless?
08-11-13, 01:09 AM
Nice dumerils!!
08-11-13, 01:40 AM
i doubt anyone would have reason to make up another age but that is just crazy to me that he isn't that big. i thought they got to at LEAST 5 or 6 ft full grown and it should definitely be full grown by 10 years. i got both my dums from craigslist with no ages so i'm just assuming, but i know my male wasn't quite full grown when i got him and he's reaching what i suspect to be full grown so i'd guess he's in between 4-7. watch the snake over the next year and see if he does much growing. if he doesn't, then he's probably just a slightly smaller full grown :P he has some sweet color tones it looks like.
08-11-13, 02:43 AM
I can physically feel with my hand a difference in surface temperature. Now do you think that it would be better to use a heat pad for this enclosure or are you saying that this enclosure is useless?
I think a heat pad would be better in creating a localized basking area.
I can't doubt you since I am not there examining the cage, but in my experience using different sizes of heat lamps and enclosures, I'd have to assume that the gradient is very small.
08-11-13, 03:47 AM
i doubt anyone would have reason to make up another age but that is just crazy to me that he isn't that big. i thought they got to at LEAST 5 or 6 ft full grown and it should definitely be full grown by 10 years. i got both my dums from craigslist with no ages so i'm just assuming, but i know my male wasn't quite full grown when i got him and he's reaching what i suspect to be full grown so i'd guess he's in between 4-7. watch the snake over the next year and see if he does much growing. if he doesn't, then he's probably just a slightly smaller full grown :P he has some sweet color tones it looks like.
Zak I have seen people add a couple years to the age of a snakes so they can say it's a proven breeder just to try and get more money out of them.
08-11-13, 05:47 AM
oh yeah, i can definitely see that if he was sole AS a breeder and not as a pet. if that is the case they could just be blowing smoke up your *** and selling you a 4 year old male saying it's a 10 year old breeder.
08-11-13, 07:24 AM
I think a heat pad would be better in creating a localized basking area.
I can't doubt you since I am not there examining the cage, but in my experience using different sizes of heat lamps and enclosures, I'd have to assume that the gradient is very small.
I agree with this. Black Betty's Neodesha is set up for a heat lamp on top, but I'm not using one for her. Instead, I have 2 11" flexwatt heat strips on the left side of her cage. This way, she gets her heat gradient without a heat lamp drying the air out.
oh yeah, i can definitely see that if he was sole AS a breeder and not as a pet. if that is the case they could just be blowing smoke up your *** and selling you a 4 year old male saying it's a 10 year old breeder.
I've actually seen both sides of this. The "breeding" trio that we got 3 years ago was sold to us at a reptile show from a guy who acquired them on another snake deal and he said they were 8 years old then. If that were the case, that would make Black Betty 11 years old now. She was 9' long then and 9' long now. However, it's hard to imagine a 9' Dum at 8 years old. I suspect she's older than that. Her color in addition to her size indicates that.
Reddog, I believe you when you say your Dum is 10 years old. He's still a decent size even if he is a little small. Males don't get very big anyway. Avg. size is generally between 5'-6' and if he's a pet, then there's no reason to exaggerate his age anyway. He's very pretty and I can see how he would make you proud to have him. :)
08-11-13, 07:26 AM
That is a huge dum...
Zak I have seen people add a couple years to the age of a snakes so they can say it's a proven breeder just to try and get more money out of them.
I got the snake a tank and 6 l xl rats with him for a really good price i dont the little old lady was tring to hustle me. He is older than teen years old she keep him for a pet mainly and said she no longer could give him the attention he needs.
And exwizard black betty is a beast. Yea the only thing that concern me was his age but she ensured me with proper care he will live much longer.i new before i went over there that he was around 4 foot long just thought sence he was a male he was just a little under standard for size any way weigh him he is a whopping 8.10 lbs didnt think he would weigh that much for only being four foot or so still cant get a proper length.
08-11-13, 09:21 AM
If he's 8-10 lbs. I'd say he's closer to just under 5'. Popeye, my male from my that same trio is 5 1/2' and 12 lbs. He is the avg. size for a 11 yr. old Dum.
08-11-13, 11:56 AM
If he's 8-10 lbs. I'd say he's closer to just under 5'. Popeye, my male from my that same trio is 5 1/2' and 12 lbs. He is the avg. size for a 11 yr. old Dum.
Yeah, he looks closer to 5' to me too. My male is about 4 years old, just over 6' long, and about 10 lbs.
Here he is on a king size bed:
Next to a pop can for reference:
And with me:
08-11-13, 01:18 PM
Are you sure he's over 6'? He looks healthy enough but at 10 lbs. my guess would be he's just over 5'. Again, I'm using Popeye as a reference. He is 5 1/2' and 12 lbs.
08-11-13, 01:22 PM
According to the string and tape measure, he's just over 6'.
08-11-13, 01:24 PM
Ok, I'll take your word for it but he looks more stout than 10 lbs.
08-11-13, 01:46 PM
Just verified it and he's right at or just barely over 6'.....its tough to measure him, as he doesn't like to hold still and was getting pretty mad at me lol. He's not nearly as thick as your male yet, but he's also only almost 5 years old. I'm sure he'll end up being a really big boy.
08-11-13, 01:59 PM
Oh, and he's 9.8 lbs. He keeps getting longer with every shed, but hasn't bulked up completely yet.
08-11-13, 01:59 PM
Sounds like it. I think it's really cool to have a young male over 6'.
08-11-13, 02:03 PM
Yeah, I was a little concerned when I got him since he had been severly underfed for the first nearly two years of his life, but he's becoming a very big and impressive snake with regular, appropriately sized feedings.
08-11-13, 05:27 PM
i am still baffled from when i used that serpentine wizards thing. i'm pretty sure the snake isn't over 7 ft but i'm not positive.
08-11-13, 05:35 PM
i am still baffled from when i used that serpentine wizards thing. i'm pretty sure the snake isn't over 7 ft but i'm not positive.
Could it maybe be that the program is measuring the snake with the assumption that the tape is only 12" including the case? That would definitely cause it to overestimate the length of your snake. Just a thought....
08-11-13, 08:17 PM
no becuase you set up the specific points. i put a point at the edge of the tape and a point on 12 inch mark and marked it as 12 inches in the program.
08-11-13, 08:20 PM
no becuase you set up the specific points. i put a point at the edge of the tape and a point on 12 inch mark and marked it as 12 inches in the program.
Oh, gotcha. Hmmmm....I dunno what the deal is then.
08-11-13, 08:23 PM
i am still baffled from when i used that serpentine wizards thing. i'm pretty sure the snake isn't over 7 ft but i'm not positive.
Is this it Zak? Serpwidgets - Snake Measurer (
08-11-13, 09:02 PM
yep, i do believe that's the one. i'm really not sure how accurate it is.
beautiful dumerils,thanks for sharing
My dumerils boa finally shed. Has not ate sence i got him though
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