View Full Version : Snake befriends hamster

08-08-13, 05:08 AM
I am not saying such a thing is possible, but I just came across this article and thought I would share.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Snake 'befriends' snack hamster (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/4627950.stm)

The rat snake, however, refused to eat the rodent. The two now share a cage, and the hamster sometimes falls asleep sitting on top of his natural foe.

08-08-13, 06:37 AM
Really wouldent think that to be possible but u never know strange things do happen

08-08-13, 06:41 AM
The story is at least 6 years old... and I don't think snakes can form "friendships". ;)

08-08-13, 06:50 AM
Thats what I thaught snakes dont really take to their owners they tolerate them at best . So cant c one taking to a hamster but hey wasent there so who am I to say eny diffrent lol

08-08-13, 06:09 PM
Honestly, I don't see why animals can't make "friends". I understand that snakes are solitary creatures. But the act of keeping them captive goes against everything people believed to be possible in the past (I'm not sure when man started owning snakes as pets). Who's to say they aren't capable of complex emotions?

08-08-13, 06:33 PM
I had a ball python when i was a kid that would befriend rats once the rat really trusted the snake bam dinner time.

08-08-13, 06:43 PM
Honestly, I don't see why animals can't make "friends". I understand that snakes are solitary creatures. But the act of keeping them captive goes against everything people believed to be possible in the past (I'm not sure when man started owning snakes as pets). Who's to say they aren't capable of complex emotions?

science? Can flies form friendships?

08-08-13, 07:08 PM
I had a male burmese python "befriend" a rabbit once. He was used to birds and didn't take it. He just encircled the bunny and went to sleep.

08-08-13, 08:19 PM
science? Can flies form friendships?

But we're not talking about flies. We're talking about an animal that has a long life span and has attitudes. Some snakes wont eat certain prey because they prefer one over another. This isn't a good idea in the wild, but is well supported in captivity because we'll cater to their needs.

We're not the only things in the world with a complex emotion system. I don't believe there have been any studies on snakes with a complex system of emotions. and if there has please show me. But until one is conducted who are we to say it's not possible?

08-08-13, 10:34 PM
But we're not talking about flies. We're talking about an animal that has a long life span and has attitudes. Some snakes wont eat certain prey because they prefer one over another. This isn't a good idea in the wild, but is well supported in captivity because we'll cater to their needs.

We're not the only things in the world with a complex emotion system. I don't believe there have been any studies on snakes with a complex system of emotions. and if there has please show me. But until one is conducted who are we to say it's not possible?

actually, neophobia is a VERY good idea in the wild. It is what makes animals flee when people (strange, new predators) approach, or what makes you avoid sudden changes in topography. this works a little better for herbivores/prey animals, but i think it would be very difficult where the fear of something new would ALWAYS result in negative consequences for an individual. yes, many animals can learn, and weigh costs/benefits of interacting with a new stimulation (should i eat that weird bug?), but i think most animals actually decide to 'play it safe'

08-08-13, 10:43 PM
science? Can flies form friendships?

Are you denying the possibility of any animal species forming friendships or just snakes?

08-09-13, 05:55 AM
Are you denying the possibility of any animal species forming friendships or just snakes?

Looking at her quote which I responded to, it would seem that way. Sorry thats not what I meant. Just that theres not really much if any supporting evidence in the matter, and using the 'I don't see why its not possible' attitude is silly. Where do we draw the line (I know the fly was a bit of a stretch but still)

08-09-13, 11:56 AM
Alright, making sure! Because this (http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/animal-emotions/201111/grief-mourning-and-broken-hearted-animals).

08-09-13, 02:21 PM
Just to keep this crazy topic alive, has anyone here seen the youtube vids of the coastal carpet that hangs out with the cat? I think the poster is 1softkiss, but can't remember the video title.

08-10-13, 01:37 AM
Anyone looked at the pic in the bbs article? The snake in question is in full shed, so was probably dinnertime as soon as that was done :).