View Full Version : Zazu my savannah

08-07-13, 06:10 PM
Zazu is now just over two feet. So, I have some frozen African soft fur rats. I was told they were just a little bigger than an adult mouse. But they are pretty big :-/ do you guys think she can handle one of those whole?
She LOVES crayfish, I've fed her heavy medium's, crawlers, adult mice f/t.
But those things are all a lot smaller than these rats.

Wanted to share some new photos of zazu but I'm on my phone and it will only let me download one :(

08-07-13, 06:22 PM
Chop the rat lengthwise while still semi frozen. makes two mouse size meals.

08-07-13, 06:36 PM
Chop the rat lengthwise while still semi frozen. makes two mouse size meals.

Eew, not sure if I could do that. Maybe my pet store would trade them for mice :-/

08-07-13, 07:55 PM
Just close your eyes and slam the knife! :p Seriously! I do that when I cut raw meat! a mouse couldn't possibly be that different! LOL ;)

08-08-13, 11:13 AM

Here's one photo of her. It's pretty close to impossible to put pics on from my phone.