View Full Version : New Photos of my big guy

08-07-13, 05:57 PM
Snapped these the other day of Toothless. I'm in the process of adding another two levels to the enclosure, changing the second basking spot, and adding UVB.
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2902_zps39e15a37.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2902_zps39e15a37.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2900_zps88f57773.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2900_zps88f57773.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2899_zpsa73e78c0.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2899_zpsa73e78c0.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2895_zps720154b8.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2895_zps720154b8.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2893_zpsb6bbab68.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2893_zpsb6bbab68.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2890_zps7f99f2d6.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2890_zps7f99f2d6.jpg.html)

08-07-13, 05:58 PM
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2888_zpsda452ea1.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2888_zpsda452ea1.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2887_zps153ae40f.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2887_zps153ae40f.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2886_zpsbed6bd79.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2886_zpsbed6bd79.jpg.html)

08-12-13, 09:17 AM
Snapped a few more today :).
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2941_zpsed8cba38.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2941_zpsed8cba38.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2940_zpsb53c5747.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2940_zpsb53c5747.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2936_zps9fa12e09.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2936_zps9fa12e09.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2932_zpsbe227cbc.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2932_zpsbe227cbc.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2930_zps85f9decf.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2930_zps85f9decf.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2928_zpsbe96d6b3.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2928_zpsbe96d6b3.jpg.html)

08-12-13, 09:18 AM
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2926_zpsfceab83c.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2926_zpsfceab83c.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2922_zps3ceef972.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2922_zps3ceef972.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2917_zpse1b5f5ec.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2917_zpse1b5f5ec.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2916_zps1be7bca7.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2916_zps1be7bca7.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2913_zpsdecbb607.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2913_zpsdecbb607.jpg.html)

08-12-13, 09:18 AM
Looks like a dinosaur

08-12-13, 10:02 AM
Looks like a dinosaur

Lol best comment I've ever read

08-12-13, 10:09 AM
Looks like a dinosaur

It's kinda funny/weird how he looks even more "dinosaur-y" than a lot of other Savs.. Lol.

08-12-13, 10:16 AM
Lol best comment I've ever read

It's kinda funny/weird how he looks even more "dinosaur-y" than a lot of other Savs.. Lol.

I know the face reminds me of a T-rex.

08-12-13, 10:35 AM
nice pics :)

how are you maintaining high humidity in his nest? I notice you arnt using a 2ft soil setup, or are you?

08-12-13, 01:13 PM
He does look pretty prehistoric doesn't he :). I think it may be due to his very angular face. Kinda reminds me of one of those velosorapture thingys.

I have a 4 x 4 dig box for him with a foot and a half of soil since I'm on the second floor in my building so needed to watch the weight. The humidity stays constant at between 60-90% depending on where in the cage its measured from. I water the soil a few times a month.
The owner of the building stopped by today to look at my fridge and loved the enclosure :).

08-13-13, 03:10 AM
These guys are so cool. I wish I knew someone who had one so I could go over and play with it, but then leave. Lol. I don't know if I want this in my house, but they are way cool!

- h3

08-13-13, 04:20 AM
These guys are so cool. I wish I knew someone who had one so I could go over and play with it, but then leave. Lol. I don't know if I want this in my house, but they are way cool!

- h3
If you tried playing with mine you'd very quickly have quite a few lacerations and bruises :bouncy:. I know some are able to be handled, but I like my guy just the way he is :). I've only touched him a few times in the past year and a half and that was only when he was distracted by food lol.

08-13-13, 04:33 AM
He does look pretty prehistoric doesn't he :). I think it may be due to his very angular face. Kinda reminds me of one of those velosorapture thingys.

I have a 4 x 4 dig box for him with a foot and a half of soil since I'm on the second floor in my building so needed to watch the weight. The humidity stays constant at between 60-90% depending on where in the cage its measured from. I water the soil a few times a month.
The owner of the building stopped by today to look at my fridge and loved the enclosure :).

seems like a sensible compromise! i'm having to compromise on my Savs digging options aswell until I move house, I'm wondering, as its quite a busy interior, does he burrow, or use other areas to sleep?

also have you had him since being a hatchling?

08-13-13, 11:51 AM
That sucks! I just wrote a whole post but it got deleted!
Lets try again...
He likes to root around in the soil for bugs and such, but prefers to sleep under his water shelf rather than dig a burrow. I even added a man-made burrow under the soil in hopes he would use it, but I guess old habits die hard.
Here's a few pics of him growing up- I've had him since he was about 5-6 inches.
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_6615.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_6615.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_6623.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_6623.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_6645.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_6645.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_6612.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_6612.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/Halifax-20120621-00549.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/Halifax-20120621-00549.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_6650.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_6650.jpg.html)

08-13-13, 12:11 PM
more awsome pics, I think you are right, and I suspect, just as with humans, Savs will choose the most convient place to sleep, why dig 150kg of soil when theres a nice warm and humid hiding spot readly available to sleep in! they are known to sleep in hollow trees, and even high up in the branches in wild (despite protests from some that this is absurd behavior for a Sav!)

I dont see any signs of dehydration or gout in the pics of him as an older Sav either, how old is he now?

08-13-13, 12:41 PM
He's only about a year and a half- but I guess that's pretty good considering how many die young :(.
Since he doesn't burrow, I make sure there is a wide humidity gradient so at least he can still use both a high and moderate humidity if needed. That is one of the reasons I made so many levels in the enclosure (that and for a good temp gradient :). The basking area is around 60%, second level is between 80-90%, and the bottom level sits around 85%. I couldn't get a gradient like this until I took a hot glue gun to all the seams- even with caulking and sealant the humidity was still slowely leaking out. Sometimes he rests at the lower humidity area, but most of the time he's on the bottom shelf or exploring.
I'm also planning to add some more climbing areas (cause there's not enough already lol) but I'm not quite sure how I want to go about it yet. He loves to climb so I want to give him as much usable space as possible. I was thinking of adding a small shelf or large branches in the second level area, and another one right up near the top of the enclosure. He seems to prefer scaling the walls rather than using the ladders and to get down he will either use his tail like a grappling (sp?) hook or just do a somersault off the ledge.
He let me pet his tail last night while I was feeding him- for about 5 seconds then he decided the oven mitts looked tasty...

E-Tech Todd
08-13-13, 12:53 PM
He does look like a big old boy!
Hey... Im having trouble getting my pics to post up like yours
I went through the FAQ and still having problems.
What's the trick?

08-13-13, 12:58 PM
He does look like a big old boy!
Hey... Im having trouble getting my pics to post up like yours
I went through the FAQ and still having problems.
What's the trick?

use a web host like tinypic.com - it will give you the bbcode to post direct into the forum, uploading direct to the forum results in horrible little versions of the pics

08-13-13, 01:01 PM
He's only about a year and a half- but I guess that's pretty good considering how many die young :(.
Since he doesn't burrow, I make sure there is a wide humidity gradient so at least he can still use both a high and moderate humidity if needed. That is one of the reasons I made so many levels in the enclosure (that and for a good temp gradient :). The basking area is around 60%, second level is between 80-90%, and the bottom level sits around 85%. I couldn't get a gradient like this until I took a hot glue gun to all the seams- even with caulking and sealant the humidity was still slowely leaking out. Sometimes he rests at the lower humidity area, but most of the time he's on the bottom shelf or exploring.
I'm also planning to add some more climbing areas (cause there's not enough already lol) but I'm not quite sure how I want to go about it yet. He loves to climb so I want to give him as much usable space as possible. I was thinking of adding a small shelf or large branches in the second level area, and another one right up near the top of the enclosure. He seems to prefer scaling the walls rather than using the ladders and to get down he will either use his tail like a grappling (sp?) hook or just do a somersault off the ledge.
He let me pet his tail last night while I was feeding him- for about 5 seconds then he decided the oven mitts looked tasty...

intrigued, i've not seen anything about Savs using their tales in that way, i didnt realize they had that kind of control over them, beyond whiping and balancing

I've got a big breeze block (aerated concrete) in my enclosure, which my sav likes to scrabble over, helps to keep his claws a little less sharp too - inspired by many pics of the volcanic rocks that litter their wild habitat, when i build his full enclosure, I'm going to use allot more of them, bolted together because they are quite light

E-Tech Todd
08-13-13, 01:10 PM
Hey formica
I have seen Eco(my sav) using his tail tail that way as well.
Ive also seen him propping himself up on it trying to get over the gate we put up.
Not just "tripoding" but actually completely on his tail while he was trying to climb the smooth wall.

oh...and I like the idea of the "breeze block" and it acting kind of like a nail file.
I might have to use that one ;-)
Savs are awesome. LOL

08-13-13, 05:12 PM
Yes, he is a big boy. Last I measured he was 3 feet ToL and he's had a few sheds since then. Hasn't shed much in the past month so I think he's almost as big as he's gonna get. I say I'll be lucky if he reaches 3 1/2 feet- I still love him to pieces though! Kinda like having a tiny dinosaur in a cage.
I will say I've learned loads about this species in the past year and a half. Everything I knew starting out was wrong. Thanks to many forums (I think I've read them all :)) and lots of research, asking questions, and observing Toothless I think I'm starting to get a hang of everything. I learn something new about him every day (not alot of info out there that I can find about behaviour).
Starting out I kept him in a one level enclosure since I couldn't find any information about whether or not they climbed. One day I decided to add a jungle gym I built to see if he used it, and he was all over it! Since then I've been adding much more climbing opportunities, and with that I've seen some pretty neat things. He easily scales a two foot smooth wall (using his tail as a prop and he pulls his whole weight up using only his front arms), front flips off the ledges (lands right on his feet every-time and keeps running), and wrapping his tail around a fixed object and lowering his whole body down slowely about 2 1/2 feet. He also uses his tail alot to balance in tricky areas.
I think I've become addicted to these guys. Can`t wait until I finally get my house so I can build him a huge 10 x 5 x 6 enclosure. I`ve already started working on the design. Planning to use concrete on the walls to to make it look like rock and make some pretty extravigant (sp?) climbing areas. I look forward to seeing how much more this amazing guy can to!
I keep trying to get shots of him doing some of the cooler things, but of course everytime he does something neat, I never have the camera ready. One day though...lol

08-13-13, 05:14 PM
As for photos, I use PhotoBucket (create an account, AWESOME site), then you can just copy the pic link and paste it here. Very simple and easy :).

08-13-13, 05:19 PM
Looks like a dinosaur first thing i though, that anit no lizard thats a dinosaur. You should tell little kids that come over that it is in fact a dinosaur.

08-13-13, 05:31 PM
first thing i though, that anit no lizard thats a dinosaur. You should tell little kids that come over that it is in fact a dinosaur.
LOL- Good idea!
It doesn't help that the doors are padlocked, and there's a CAUTION sign on the door (just incase repair men have to come in while I'm out- some people are nosey).

08-15-13, 02:36 PM
Just a few more photos I took today when I added his weekly roaches (I usually throw in about 50-100 every week and just let him forage for them). I think adding some fresh moss from outside every once in a while provides quite a bit of enrichment. The roaches hide inside the moss and it takes him a good few hours to shred the moss and extract the roaches.
Still havn't seen him use his new burrow though. I think I'll throw a gerbil in there tomorrow while he's watching- might make him go in there and explore!
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2948_zps0e1e56b2.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2948_zps0e1e56b2.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2949_zps131f02c6.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2949_zps131f02c6.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2950_zpse0149d25.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2950_zpse0149d25.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2951_zps2107594f.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2951_zps2107594f.jpg.html)

08-15-13, 02:42 PM
Here's a few more I have on my computer that are my favorites :).
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2839_zps6d39941e.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2839_zps6d39941e.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2832_zpseca5fa54.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2832_zpseca5fa54.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2831_zpsf47509a9.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2831_zpsf47509a9.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_6686_zps80234e46.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_6686_zps80234e46.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG-20130426-00875_zpse096597b.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG-20130426-00875_zpse096597b.jpg.html)

08-15-13, 02:46 PM
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG-20130426-00870_zps6dad71ca.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG-20130426-00870_zps6dad71ca.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG-20130420-00866_zps32f04790.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG-20130420-00866_zps32f04790.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG-20130410-00855_zpscb7bd900.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG-20130410-00855_zpscb7bd900.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG-20130120-00777.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG-20130120-00777.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/Halifax-20130120-00778.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/Halifax-20130120-00778.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/Halifax-20130120-00771.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/Halifax-20130120-00771.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_6642.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_6642.jpg.html)

08-15-13, 02:49 PM
Amazing.... little? Guy! :D

08-15-13, 06:52 PM
Looks like a decent life. well done. ;)

08-15-13, 08:01 PM
I see a little bell or something golden that looks like one, does he ever mess around with it?

08-16-13, 05:46 AM
I see a little bell or something golden that looks like one, does he ever mess around with it?

I only had it in there for a few days until someone pointed out that he may be able to get his head stuck in the rings. He didn't use it while it was in there though.

Thanks Wayne! You're site was such a big help starting out. So much great information in one place.

08-16-13, 09:13 AM
Interesting development today :)!
I was working in the enclosure today measuring out everything for the new levels, and the 'little' guy decided to come over and say hi. He crawled on my arm and was trying to jump out of the enclosure :). He let me move him back inside the enclosure without getting upset or trying to bite me :). I think the extra time I've been spending with him lately is really paying off.
I have to admit I was a bit nervous when he climbed on my arm as I only had the one oven mitt on and no sweater...
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2962_zpsea0c6fa6.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2962_zpsea0c6fa6.jpg.html)http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2955_zps43e2e18c.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2955_zps43e2e18c.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2958_zpsc23af706.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2958_zpsc23af706.jpg.html)

08-17-13, 06:45 AM
Finished adding three more shelves this morning :). All that's left to do is change the location of the bulbs at the second basking site, patch up the old holes from the lights, and add the shelf on the second level. I decided not to seal the wood for the shelves- its only cheap OSB board, so if it rots I'll just replace it :).
I havn't installed the UV bulb yet since I'm deciding how to make a cage around the tube lights so he can't break them...
I took a video a few minutes ago, but am just waiting for it to upload. I'll post it in a few.

08-17-13, 06:50 AM
DSCF2969_zpsac1aaa97.mp4 Video by gothicangel_69 | Photobucket (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2969_zpsac1aaa97.mp4.html)

08-17-13, 04:57 PM
Cool pics and video.

08-20-13, 07:51 AM
Looking good.

08-20-13, 08:07 AM
Incredible pics!!!! Savs are the best!

08-20-13, 06:00 PM
Got a funny video of Toothless eating a gerbil today- they seem to be his favorite type of food. He also let me pet him a few times today- first time EVER by the way :).
DSCF2974_zps2a1b61a1.mp4 Video by gothicangel_69 | Photobucket (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2974_zps2a1b61a1.mp4.html)
And a few more photos...
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2979_zps5e859e44.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2979_zps5e859e44.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2978_zps486db7e3.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2978_zps486db7e3.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2976_zps6c89e3ba.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2976_zps6c89e3ba.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF2975_zps39dcf53f.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF2975_zps39dcf53f.jpg.html)

09-30-13, 10:57 AM
Few more I took today :). He just finished another shed.
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3149_zps4742128e.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3149_zps4742128e.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3150_zps27cbc5f0.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3150_zps27cbc5f0.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3147_zpsb0e5a9a3.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3147_zpsb0e5a9a3.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3151_zps13c0de56.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3151_zps13c0de56.jpg.html)

09-30-13, 11:03 AM
I love all his shelves, like he has his own highrise flat to live in :D (sorry, apartment, not flat :P )

09-30-13, 12:06 PM
He uses every inch of the enclosure. He seems to have a favorite shelf though, and I've even caught him sleeping there a few nights. Would like to stick the temp guage there and see what the temp is as he really seems to like it.
He's also been trying to break down the doors lately, so I need to get some heavier duty latches :).

09-30-13, 01:00 PM
He uses every inch of the enclosure. He seems to have a favorite shelf though, and I've even caught him sleeping there a few nights. Would like to stick the temp guage there and see what the temp is as he really seems to like it.
He's also been trying to break down the doors lately, so I need to get some heavier duty latches :).


mine is always trying to tear the inner wall down, the glue is holding its own tho, he hasnt even made a dent....yet!

09-30-13, 01:36 PM
He's ripped up a few of the ladder rungs, but nothing that can't be easily replaced :). He likes to do flying jumps off the shelves, and I'm always terrified he's going to hurt himself as he makes quite a racket, but always seems to land on his feet- crazy cat-like creature!!

10-18-13, 08:41 AM
I just dumped a few garbage bags full of leaves in the enclosure and Toothless seemed to enjoy rooting through them :). The ones from last year were all gone, and he likes to bury himself in them.
He was a tad scared of the big black garbage bags being dumped in the enclosure, but settled own very quickly and never ran away.

http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3225_zpsccacb420.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3225_zpsccacb420.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3229_zps51ea21a9.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3229_zps51ea21a9.jpg.html)

10-18-13, 09:11 AM
Love the videos. He went APE over the gerbil! I so envy those of you with Savs. It's gotta be like having your own 24/7 zoo enclosure. They look so active and interesting to watch.

10-18-13, 02:48 PM
They are VERY interesting. I noticed a big change when I moved him out into the family room- much more interactive and bold. I think he's become desensitized to the noise and screaming (two young kids)- he hid for a month or so, then started to get used to it. He lays on his shelf and watches TV alot- not sure what he sees, but it entertains him non the less :). I now find that he will come to the doors whenever I'm in the room, or will peak out to see what everyone is doing. I'd love to start my hand at getting him used to being handled, but sadly I havn't had much time to interact with him lately besides tossing in food and changing water. Nontheless, he hasn't reverted back to being defensive and pissy, which is usually the case if he gets neglected interaction-wise.

I was thinking of getting some bloowork done when he turns two. As so many of these guys die young, I'd like to have regular bloodwork done so I can catch anything early. I was thinking every 6 months. I know it will be stressful, but he's becomming more comfortable with other people, and I think if I work with him alot before bringing him in I can make the experience go much easier for him.

The only problem with monitors is that its contagious:laugh:. There's something about having a mini dinosaur in your house that makes you want to get more. Only thing stopping me from getting a water is space and money. I can't really afford to feed another bottomless pit at this point in time.

10-20-13, 05:58 AM
I heard a bunch of commotion from the enclosure this morning so went to check it out. This is what I saw when I looked in... Apparently there was a roach up above the door he was trying to reach. Too funny!
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3233_zps1c8dbd1f.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3233_zps1c8dbd1f.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3234_zps70b62718.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3234_zps70b62718.jpg.html)

And a few more from this morning...
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3237_zps986657a9.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3237_zps986657a9.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3238_zpse418791a.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3238_zpse418791a.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3240_zpsffaa250a.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3240_zpsffaa250a.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3244_zps334b8dcd.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3244_zps334b8dcd.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3246_zps31fc2afb.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3246_zps31fc2afb.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3242_zps179716cc.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3242_zps179716cc.jpg.html)

10-20-13, 07:04 AM
Awesome. Nice to see the climbing activity.

10-20-13, 10:03 AM
haha nice pics :D no way they are rubbish climbers!

mines just got a massive oak log and half a foot of leaf litter, he's havin great fun in it

10-20-13, 10:09 AM
haha nice pics :D no way they are rubbish climbers!

yeah... uh OK. :p

10-20-13, 04:16 PM
I'm not quite sure if my guy is unique in the fact that he likes to climb so much, or if most would do the same given the opportunity? We may be moving across country next year (been planning to for a while now but I think it's finally going to happen) and then I'll hopefully have the room to build a 10 x 5. Now that I know he climbs so much, I plan to make the next enclosure like a giant jungle-gym.I really wish I had put the lattice on the walls like I had originally planned with this one.
I`ve also noticed he`s a tad pudgy so he`s going to be getting mostly roaches for a bit and hopefully I can get him out for some excersise a few times a week. He`s been scratching at the doors for a while now so I don`t think taking him out will be an issue...putting him back in may be:crazy2:.

10-20-13, 04:21 PM
Awesome. Nice to see the climbing activity.
Thanks Wayne! Your two are looking good as always!! What is your highest ambient temp in the enclosure? Mine's at 95F but I'm wondering if I should bump that up a bit and give him a wider range to use. I've noticed he likes to hang in the hotter areas alot, although he still uses every inch of the enclosure.

10-20-13, 04:36 PM
Just goes to show, if it's in their cage then they can get to it.

10-20-13, 05:02 PM
Thanks Wayne! Your two are looking good as always!! What is your highest ambient temp in the enclosure? Mine's at 95F but I'm wondering if I should bump that up a bit and give him a wider range to use. I've noticed he likes to hang in the hotter areas alot, although he still uses every inch of the enclosure.

Hi, I can only judge from the photos, but in my opinion the monitor looks absolutely fine, and why on earth do you want to raise the ambient temps if the basking surface is between approx. 50 to 60c+ (120 to 140f+), because it`s perfectly acceptable? If you want the animal to hide away for a couple of days at a time raise the ambient to well above that which they would normally encounter during the periods of greatest activity (the cooler wet season).
In times of extremes (the hottest parts of the day/year) these animals will usually RETREAT.
I must make it clear I`m not worried about the air temps immediately under the basking lights (of course they`ll be elevated), it`s when a significant part of the enclosure is kept at these unnecessarily high temps in the strange belief the monitor won`t become overweight and their metabolism will be even higher as if there`s no limit? They have a relatively narrow range of "activity" temps which can easily (quickly) be reached with the above range of surface temps.
As always, no disrespect to anyone, my thoughts are from my personal experiences in captivity and the wild... :)

10-20-13, 06:57 PM
Hi, I can only judge from the photos, but in my opinion the monitor looks absolutely fine, and why on earth do you want to raise the ambient temps if the basking surface is between approx. 50 to 60c+ (120 to 140f+), because it`s perfectly acceptable? If you want the animal to hide away for a couple of days at a time raise the ambient to well above that which they would normally encounter during the periods of greatest activity (the cooler wet season).
In times of extremes (the hottest parts of the day/year) these animals will usually RETREAT.
I must make it clear I`m not worried about the air temps immediately under the basking lights (of course they`ll be elevated), it`s when a significant part of the enclosure is kept at these unnecessarily high temps in the strange belief the monitor won`t become overweight and their metabolism will be even higher as if there`s no limit? They have a relatively narrow range of "activity" temps which can easily (quickly) be reached with the above range of surface temps.
As always, no disrespect to anyone, my thoughts are from my personal experiences in captivity and the wild... :)

Absolutely.... The temps are fine, especially if you are seeing a lot of activity, leave it alone. The old saying goes "if it's not broke, don't fix it" and that applies here too.

10-20-13, 11:48 PM
I just thought that since he's been resting in the warm areas more than usual that he may use a small area with a higher ambient temp. I wasn't planning to raise the temps in the enclosure, just offer him a shelf/ box with a hotter ambient temp . Not really sure why I thought that and thank you for the explanation. I'll leave the temps alone :). Most of the enclosure is between 75-90F with one shelf at 95F that he likes to rest on alot.
He is definately very active. I swear he's playing drums in there sometimes by the amount of racket he makes:D. This afternoon he dove from the top ledge right onto the dig-box (all the way across the enclosure). He ended up banging into the side of the enclosure and landing on his side- got right back up and kept going like nothing happened. He's getting pretty reckless in there. Will he hurt himself or is he smart enough to know better? He usually prefers to jump down from the ledges rather than use the ladders and I'm sometimes scared that he's going to hurt himself.

10-20-13, 11:53 PM
Just goes to show, if it's in their cage then they can get to it.
Very true! I'd like to build some puzzle-solving 'games' that I can put in the enclosure every so often, but havn't had the time yet. I got a bunch of great ideas off the net, and can't wait to try them out. A little extra mental stimulation never hurt :D- I know I'd get bored sitting in a wooden box every day.

10-21-13, 04:53 AM
Will he hurt himself or is he smart enough to know better? He usually prefers to jump down from the ledges rather than use the ladders and I'm sometimes scared that he's going to hurt himself.

These critters are built to take it. and smart enough to know their limits.

Flexible skeletons and armor plated skin helps make them very durable.

10-21-13, 06:08 AM
These critters are built to take it. and smart enough to know their limits.

Flexible skeletons and armor plated skin helps make them very durable.

That makes me feel better :). I figured he was smart enough not to hurt himself on purpose, but he still makes me cringe sometimes.

Joey Casey
10-21-13, 11:20 AM
nice looking sav and set up, love the flower garden! what do you feed him/her?

10-21-13, 11:47 AM
That makes me feel better :). I figured he was smart enough not to hurt himself on purpose, but he still makes me cringe sometimes.

One of the biologists mentioned seeing a monitor leap from a tree 20 feed up before, and hit the ground on all four feet running.... I don't doubt it.

10-21-13, 03:23 PM
nice looking sav and set up, love the flower garden! what do you feed him/her?
Thanks :).
He mostly gets roaches, chicks, and gerbils with the occasional mouse, fish, grasshoppers, worms, shrimp, snails, rat, etc.

10-21-13, 03:25 PM
Hi, I can only judge from the photos, but in my opinion the monitor looks absolutely fine,
I'll have to get a side-on photo. He has a bit of a dangly belly- it doesn't touch the ground, but is a little bear-guttish :).

10-22-13, 07:37 AM
He's not a big fan of dead roaches, but they're great for giving him his vitamins.
DSCF3253_zps95d1f1fd.mp4 Video by gothicangel_69 | Photobucket (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3253_zps95d1f1fd.mp4.html)

11-06-13, 06:21 PM
I bought Toothless a mouse today as a treat, and decided to toss the empty box in there for him to mess around with. Kept him occupied for about 20 minutes :).
Last ToL measurement (semi-accurate) was an inch over 3 feet. He's definately slowing down quite a bit.
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3338_zpse3a59189.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3338_zpse3a59189.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3341_zps7bfd3523.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3341_zps7bfd3523.jpg.html)

11-06-13, 06:55 PM

11-07-13, 02:00 AM
My reaction as well :yes:. I wasn't quite sure how he'd react, but he ran right up to the box and stuck his head in. He then started tossing it up into the air. It's over on the other side of the enclosure now. lol

I also made a 'chick trail' all around his enclosure and hid a dead chick . It was interesting to see him follow the trail all around the enclosure before finding it.

11-07-13, 02:54 AM
My reaction as well :yes:. I wasn't quite sure how he'd react, but he ran right up to the box and stuck his head in. He then started tossing it up into the air. It's over on the other side of the enclosure now. lol

I also made a 'chick trail' all around his enclosure and hid a dead chick . It was interesting to see him follow the trail all around the enclosure before finding it.

haha great stuff :D

I do trails aswell, with mice, usually when I dont have time to feed directly, definitly a good way to enrich their environment :)

11-07-13, 03:07 AM
what species is he? He's adorable

11-07-13, 05:23 AM
what species is he? He's adorable
He's a Savannah Monitor.

11-10-13, 01:48 PM
LOL, funny pictures.

11-13-13, 01:14 PM
Guess who I picked up again today :D!!!
I got my 6 year old to take some photos :).
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3414_zps18a0c97a.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3414_zps18a0c97a.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3413_zps22b44829.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3413_zps22b44829.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3416_zpsb5c63610.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3416_zpsb5c63610.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3406_zps1e1115ef.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3406_zps1e1115ef.jpg.html)

11-13-13, 05:24 PM
Well done and keep it up, it can only get better (we hope)! ;)

11-13-13, 05:40 PM
Well done and keep it up, it can only get better (we hope)! ;)
I admit I was a bit nervous :). Holding such a powerful animal is really something special (I was also thinking 'please don't bite me' as well :D).

The enclosure is 5 feet high just to give some perspective of his length.

11-13-13, 05:48 PM
He`s looking great, and I`m guessing he`s (roughly) around 7 or 8 feet long?? (I`m hopeless with figures).... ;)

11-13-13, 07:30 PM
He`s looking great, and I`m guessing he`s (roughly) around 7 or 8 feet long?? (I`m hopeless with figures).... ;)

He's 7.5 feet long exactly. We come from an ancient tribe of giants and are all exactly 14.7087 feet long- since he's about half my size that would make him 7.5 feet (don't do the math- it won't work out for you as we use a special type of giant math) :wacky:

11-14-13, 10:26 AM
very cool looking monitor thanks for the images!

11-14-13, 11:07 AM
haha great pics, not sure i'd want 3ft of monitor hanging off me by those claws tbh

11-14-13, 11:24 AM
haha great pics, not sure i'd want 3ft of monitor hanging off me by those claws tbh
It actually didn't hurt at all. The first time he gave me some scratches, but this time he dug his nails into my shirt, but relaxed them when they were on my skin (I'm assuming that was not done on purpose though, I just got lucky :)).
I tried keeping him on my arm, but he decided he wanted to climb up to my head. Took a few minutes to slowly peel him off so he wouldn't get upset and lash out. After that he went back into the enclosure- I'm sure he would have stayed out longer, but I like to keep things brief until he is more trusting.
He doesn't like to be pet or touched, but doesn't seem to mind me holding him (only when HE aproves of it though :yes:). I've learned that when he scratches on the enclosure doors, he's open to interaction but if he approaches me while I'm inside the enclosure he doesn't want to be touched and is just comming over to investigate.

11-26-13, 01:24 PM
A few more photos :).
He's a tad cranky today from the changes I've been making inside the enclosure, but today he went onto the new basking platform by himself for the first time so I think he's starting to settle down.
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3431_zpsa1883cdc.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3431_zpsa1883cdc.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3432_zpsb64666d0.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3432_zpsb64666d0.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3474_zps8bafdaee.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3474_zps8bafdaee.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3477_zpsc9075dec.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3477_zpsc9075dec.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3476_zps6318cef8.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3476_zps6318cef8.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3484_zps653bdd9b.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3484_zps653bdd9b.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3479_zpsdf30ef21.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3479_zpsdf30ef21.jpg.html)

11-26-13, 05:19 PM
Almost done the modifications on the enclosure :). Still need to add in one more ladder, grab another log or two from the parents yard, and change out the basking shelf for a larger board (I've decided it's too s
mall and needs to go- may put in somewhere else in the cage though). Still working on getting the right bulbs in there, but hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to fix that. I'm debating putting in a blue heat bulb for lighttime heat and shutting off the basking lights at night (they bother us while we're watching tv, and he's acclimatized now so I don't have to worry about him not basking properly).
Let me know if anything looks bad (a second set of eyes always helps).
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3493_zps83c8d83e.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3493_zps83c8d83e.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3492_zps4c8f9c74.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3492_zps4c8f9c74.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3491_zps9801b3fb.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3491_zps9801b3fb.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3490_zps6fc73fac.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3490_zps6fc73fac.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3489_zps846ce644.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3489_zps846ce644.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3488_zpsfcf71769.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3488_zpsfcf71769.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3487_zpsfb2e9f62.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3487_zpsfb2e9f62.jpg.html)

11-26-13, 06:44 PM
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3484_zps653bdd9b.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3484_zps653bdd9b.jpg.html)

hah he does look pretty grumpy there sumhow

11-26-13, 06:53 PM
He is! lol :)
He was laying on his old basking shelf for about 3 hours today, and seemed quite cranky that he wasn't getting warm:D. He finally gave up and went to the new basking site in the afternoon. Silly guy is stuck in his ways!
He'll still let me work inside the enclosure, but lets me know he's not too happy with lots of puffing and the occasional head-bob. I think I'll give him a break tomorrow and just change out the basking lights :).

11-27-13, 09:09 AM
You've done a great job making sure he can use as much of that space as possible.

11-27-13, 07:46 PM
I finally got the temperature right at the basking site :).
I couldn't seem to find any 75 watt bulbs ANYWHERE, so I got three 90s instead. I only really need two to cover his snout to vent and maintain ambient temps, so the third light can be for nighttime heat (blue 75 watt halogen flood) as they finally fixed my heaters after 3 years so I don't need to leave my basking lights on anymore :).

11-28-13, 09:24 PM
I wish my rudis claws were that short...

11-29-13, 01:30 AM
I wish my rudis claws were that short...

hehe :). One of the things I like about these guys.
All the climbing he does keeps them nice and filled down as well. They are still sharp, but not enough that I have to worry about him shredding me to ribbons (unless he really wants to of course:yes:).

Nice hot basking spot of 160 now, and he's one happy camper! He's gotten used to the new basking site now, and no longer sits like a grumpy lump on a log trying to get warm.

11-29-13, 11:45 AM
A few I took today of Toothless chasing some roaches around the enclosure :).
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3511_zpsadac0508.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3511_zpsadac0508.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3512_zpsc44fd362.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3512_zpsc44fd362.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3513_zps26f73689.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3513_zps26f73689.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3516_zpsee882caf.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3516_zpsee882caf.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3508_zpsf511a48b.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3508_zpsf511a48b.jpg.html)

And this is the sign that the tank is full...
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/DSCF3505_zps081cd748.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/DSCF3505_zps081cd748.jpg.html)

01-24-14, 06:28 PM
Toothless has been one cranky big guy lately. I've been neglecting him interaction wise the past month as I just started back to work and don't have a lot of free time. I decided to let him out to roam the other day since I felt bad, and ended up almost getting bit in the process. I was a touch distracted when I let him out, and his jaws almost clamped onto my hand- I actually felt his teeth graze me.
It was a fun time getting him back into the enclosure afterwards, but managed to get him to walk into a garbage can and lift that back into the enclosure- this involves a quick funny video of him attacking my broom:bouncy:. Needless to say we ditched the broom idea quick as he didn't like it...

I still havn't managed to get a weight, but plan to take him in for regular bloodwork and x-rays soon, so should be able to get a pretty accurate weight then. Should be fun if he happens to be in a bad mood that day:wacky:.

http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_1399_zps2870cc5a.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_1399_zps2870cc5a.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_1402_zpse7763391.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_1402_zpse7763391.jpg.html)

We also re-did Zekrom's tank, and he seems to enjoy the gerbil-tunnel burrow.
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_1397_zps8d6f0266.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_1397_zps8d6f0266.jpg.html)
http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e310/gothicangel_69/IMG_1389_zps0cc57c01.jpg (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/IMG_1389_zps0cc57c01.jpg.html)
MVI_1403_zps5549711d.mp4 Video by gothicangel_69 | Photobucket (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/MVI_1403_zps5549711d.mp4.html)
MVI_1404_zps6ad9dfc2.mp4 Video by gothicangel_69 | Photobucket (http://s42.photobucket.com/user/gothicangel_69/media/MVI_1404_zps6ad9dfc2.mp4.html)

sorry the second video is so dark. I figured the dark would help him relax a bit.