View Full Version : help with posting pics

08-07-13, 04:59 PM
Could eny one talk me thrugh posting pics on this site pleas ???

08-07-13, 05:01 PM
You click on the button with a yellow sky and a mountain on it, then paste in a location to where your picture is like imgur or something.

08-07-13, 05:10 PM
I use photobucket, upload your pics there and then copy and paste the IMG code here

08-07-13, 05:10 PM
Put image URL in this WITHOUT spaces:

[ I m g ] URL goes here [ / i m g ]

If you want to upload a pic from your own computer, you have to upload it on a other site such as tinypic, photobucket, imgur...etc and then use the URL that the site gives you

08-07-13, 05:22 PM
Ok thanks for that cant put pics straight from mobile phone then.

08-08-13, 10:04 AM
Ok thanks for that cant put pics straight from mobile phone then.

Use the paperclip at the top :)

08-08-13, 10:54 AM
Go to paperclip to post pics straight off my phone ???

08-08-13, 04:31 PM
Go to paperclip to post pics straight off my phone ???

Thats how i did it (i think)

08-08-13, 04:35 PM

08-08-13, 04:43 PM
There is a Photobucket app for Android and Apple (if you have either of those) that you can upload to straight from your phone and then post the IMG code onto the forum

08-08-13, 08:57 PM
Go to go advance then go to manage attachments.

08-09-13, 02:54 AM
Had a go at going to the paperclip at the top just got loads ov words gpg gpeg things like this will keep trying tho lol

08-09-13, 10:09 AM
Had a go at going to the paperclip at the top just got loads ov words gpg gpeg things like this will keep trying tho lol

At the top of that screen on the oeft is a button to select the pics, once one is uploaded you can then do another and another etc etc once you have sll the pics uploaded at the right top you can close the window and then preview the post to see if it worked :)