View Full Version : hunger strike...6 months?

02-04-03, 05:45 PM
my bp is now on his 6th month hunger strike.....and has lost 250grams during......

02-04-03, 05:49 PM
How old is it? What feeding techniques have you tried?

Corey Woods
02-04-03, 06:57 PM
I had one female go 56 weeks without eating. If they are off food now don't expect them to eat until atleast April.


02-05-03, 05:13 PM
I think it is amazing how long snakes can go without eating, whats more shocking/ funny, and yet kinda disturbing is that when i got my first corn it went for about a month strike and it was only about 1 foot long! When i called a vet he told me that i should try a diifferent type of food, he sugested FRUIT!!! *sigh* I learned after years of owning snakes that it is a frustrating habit that they sometimes adopt, and like corey says sometimes as frustrating as it is theres not a lot you can do :rolleyes:

02-05-03, 07:27 PM
What was the name of that vet so i can avoid them.

02-05-03, 09:43 PM
Don't worry about it he is on the west coast of canada! But it is a real shocker to hear that coming from a vet huh!?

02-06-03, 09:45 PM
ive tried live gerbil, mouse, f/t everything, rubbermaid with mouse, in cage, hide box, paper bag, chicken broth, cut nose, etc etc etc...when should i try to assist feed cuz some ppl told me to go ahead and use veggie oil and do it because he is losing so much weight...

he is 3 years old and 4 feet long.