View Full Version : Red tail boa

08-03-13, 01:24 PM
This is turning into a real problem lol just got another snake the pics do it no justice. Was a price i couldnt refuse and had a extra enclosure . Snake is crazy strong for its size. I will try and get some better bics later when iam holding it snake only seems to be calm when iam holding it

08-03-13, 07:09 PM
Yup. Boas are strong snakes! :D There's a huge margin between my 5ft boa and my 3.5ft ball python. They really don't compare. lol

Very pretty little thing you've got there. :D Any clue what locale? Do you have hides and a water bowl for it, or are they just removed for the photo?

08-03-13, 08:02 PM
Yup. Boas are strong snakes! :D There's a huge margin between my 5ft boa and my 3.5ft ball python. They really don't compare. lol

Very pretty little thing you've got there. :D Any clue what locale? Do you have hides and a water bowl for it, or are they just removed for the photo?
Not sure what you mean buy locale? Sorry not real snake savy yet. Yes i have a bowl day and night light and a hide he just in a little ten gallon tank for now.

08-03-13, 08:05 PM
Here is another pic of the snake i will try to get better ones.

08-03-13, 08:18 PM
I think possibly guyana but im not well versed on locales...very pretty!!!

08-03-13, 08:19 PM
Here's some more

08-03-13, 08:34 PM
I think possibly guyana but im not well versed on locales...very pretty!!!
Thank you i was looking at some of your snakes they are beautiful never see those colors .are there blood lines or strains of snakes like dogs? I mean i am sure there are but do you guys that breed them keep a pedigree?

08-04-13, 01:43 AM
Nice looking boa.

08-04-13, 03:51 AM
Nice boa, you may want to cover 3 of the sides of the viv with something.. All that clear glass is going to have the little guy feeling exposed...

08-04-13, 08:19 AM
Nice boa, you may want to cover 3 of the sides of the viv with something.. All that clear glass is going to have the little guy feeling exposed...
Thank you for the tip and thanks to everyone else for the kind words

08-04-13, 06:36 PM
Hey i have questions, i tryed to messure my boa( if it ends up being a girl i will name it miss bo squeeze) and it was around 2 1/2 feet long. how old do you think this snake is ,and how large of a pray item do you think i should be feeding ,and how often.

08-04-13, 06:38 PM
hard to tell age by length, depeds on how he/she was previously treated, i've seen boas that are 2years old and they still look like babies. as for the food a boa that looks to be the size of yours should be on small rats. when mine was that size she was on small/medium rats. just make sure the rat is a little bit bigger round than you snake at the biggest girth and your good.

08-04-13, 06:39 PM
could you get a good picture of the tail in the light?

08-04-13, 07:25 PM
Here are some pics of the tail lol sorry best i could do. Now that i think about it u probably wanted to see the flap?iam starting to notice more stuff about the snake has pinkish scales on its sides faint markings on it head and some other cool little things i didnt notice.

08-04-13, 07:29 PM
And above its eyes i swear it gets darker when i pic her up at first or when the snake is aggravated then goes away maybe it just seems like it to me lil

08-04-13, 07:34 PM
For some reason my camera on my phone made everything real dark damn

08-05-13, 11:22 AM
Hi sorry to ask a dumb question but is ur snake a bcc or bci as I cant c much red in the tail could just be my phone tho so pleas dont take offence lovley boa by the way

08-05-13, 01:13 PM
Judging by the saddles and tail, I'd say its a BCC of some sort. Probably Guyana, but hard to say without or knowledge of the breeder.

08-05-13, 04:31 PM
Yeah i was told red tail boa at the place a got it from the didnt seem to now alot about it lol. It looks like a red tail boa to me but then again i dont now alot about snakes. Iam looking at another red tail boa right now maybe i could post a pic of that of and you guys could tell me if its a red tail and the local

08-05-13, 04:35 PM
Judging by the saddles and tail, I'd say its a BCC of some sort. Probably Guyana, but hard to say without or knowledge of the breeder.

The saddles barely have peaks at all which some BCI do have, comparing from Guyana's I've seen in person and red tails online I don't see any BCC.

Yeah i was told red tail boa at the place a got it from the didnt seem to now alot about it lol. It looks like a red tail boa to me but then again i dont now alot about snakes. Iam looking at another red tail boa right now maybe i could post a pic of that of and you guys could tell me if its a red tail and the local

Almost everyone calls their boa's red tail boas whether it's a common or not. Most pet stores even label their common boas as red tails.

08-05-13, 04:41 PM
That looks like a BCI to me as well. BcI's can also have "peaks" in their saddles as well.

08-05-13, 05:59 PM
He is a bco i went back too the pet store to get a mouse and asked another person about the boa he said that it is a Argentinan boa because of the black spots i asked him how old he said they get them from the breeder at six mouths old and in dec so a little over a year old and thank you guys for helping me out with that. O and one more thing a argentinan boa is not a red tail right? And does this appear like any argentinan boas you have seen? I guess i am just like people i run into with dogs i ask what bloodline is he blue nose brindle well your dogs has a black nose and is fawn i asked the blood line not the color lol anyways. Weather or not its a red tail i still think its a bad as snake and too think the tail on the snake is what blew me away and want it so much lol.

08-05-13, 06:03 PM
100% not an Argentine boa. I think its safe to say that the pet store you got it from does not know much.

08-05-13, 06:05 PM
He is a bco i went back too the pet store to get a mouse and asked another person about the boa he said that it is a Argentinan boa because of the black spots i asked him how old he said they get them from the breeder at six mouths old and in dec so a little over a year old and thank you guys for helping me out with that. O and one more thing a argentinan boa is not a red tail right? And does this appear like any argentinan boas you have seen? I guess i am just like people i run into with dogs i ask what bloodline is he blue nose brindle well your dogs has a black nose and is fawn i asked the blood line not the color lol anyways. Weather or not its a red tail i still think its a bad as snake and too think the tail on the snake is what blew me away and want it so much lol.

Whoever you spoke to knows nothing about boas. You have a common boa or Boa Constrictor Imperator.

08-05-13, 06:06 PM
Lol i pretty sure he said its a Argentina boa because of the black spots hah so is it even a boa come on guys help me out with my mutt snake haha maybe its a cross of different boas what every they had laying around maybe he said.something else

08-05-13, 06:07 PM
So how red is a tail on a red tail boa like a fire engine red

08-05-13, 06:08 PM
Common boa's can have black spots, it doesn't make it an Argentine.

08-05-13, 06:09 PM
I think its a BCI like Corey said. It very well could be a cross but only way to really know is to talk to the breeder.

08-05-13, 06:41 PM
Common boa's can have black spots, it doesn't make it an Argentine.

I was not trying to reinforce his statement lol. JOHN WAYNE ANIT DEAD HE'S RIGHT THERE ON THE TELEVISION! !!! LOL .thanks for the help guys

08-05-13, 09:33 PM
Absolutely not a BCO (Argentine). This is a pic of my female BCO.


08-05-13, 09:37 PM
I think its a BCI like Corey said. It very well could be a cross but only way to really know is to talk to the breeder.

Yeah, looking more closely, its either a BCI or BCI/BCC cross.

08-05-13, 10:19 PM
Yeah, looking more closely, its either a BCI or BCI/BCC cross.

Where do you see any BCC?

08-05-13, 10:20 PM
Where do you see any BCC?

Dorsal pattern

08-06-13, 12:19 AM
Absolutely not a BCO (Argentine). This is a pic of my female BCO.

Haha yeah not even close

08-06-13, 03:03 AM
Hi would say its a bci looks just like my one yours has a bit ov red in the tail but some bci do have red tails and that is what makes it so easy for pet stores to sell a lot ov the bci as bcc to people that dont really know what they looking for. Lovley snake tho

08-06-13, 01:39 PM
thats why i asked for pics of the tail. looks BCI to me as well :D

08-06-13, 06:50 PM
Yeah to be honesty its not a big deal if its not i just can't find any pics of bci that look like my snake. But i am curious to learn more about boa's and how to see the differences in them.are there any good books or documentarys on them? It does bother me slightly that i was bamboozled lol by the pet shop i will go back and ask again what type of boa it was that they sold me as the do seem to move snakes and since i asked a person that didnt sell me the snake i will giyve them the reasonable doubt that he thought i was talking about a different snake did they know and intentionally try to trick me or maybe they just dont know the dif between a bci or a bcc.i should have been more educated but like my brb it was a spur of the moment kind of deal and the snake was to pruty to pass up lol.

08-06-13, 08:29 PM
i have a BCI hands down, best snake ever. :D

08-06-13, 08:45 PM
I cant wait to get the cage for it a guy at work has a cage he used to keep his albano Burmese in he said i can have it:crazy: he used to keep alot of reptiles. I most emit i feel weird with him just giving it to me but its for the better of the snake maybe ill try and slip him some money or help him out in someway. Damn theres a adult dumeril for sale for $95 i need to stop buying snakes for a while must..... resist....

08-06-13, 09:56 PM
Don't worry, its a boa lol. Just refer to it as a BCU (Boa Constrictor Unknown) for the time being. Regardless of the species or locality, its a very good looking boa and you have many years of enjoyment ahead of you. If you get the cage from that guy, make sure to disinfect it very well before using it. Was it an adult burm that he kept in it? If so, you should just keep your boa in a tub for the time being. Too big of a cage can stress out a young snake. I wouldn't pass up a free cage though!
Oh, and $95 is a killer deal on a Dumeril's, too.

08-07-13, 07:16 AM
Im 100% on it being bcc, a guyana to me. Its head isnt as long as most bcc, but tail/pattern say bcc to me

08-07-13, 07:19 AM
Id like to add that most of my bci collection has peaks, they do show up in bci. The pics still say bcc especially that tail shot. Just my opinion...

08-07-13, 05:52 PM
Ok so got the dumeril's boa hes a around four foot. Now some other snakes just came up that i want lol i realy need to stop a burm or a columbian red tail boa both over 7' which where the two snakes i wanted but just found out now that they are still available personaly i want but i thinking thats to much snake for me as of right now. Well see must.... resist.... oh sorry no pics when i was try to make arrangements to pic the snake up i knocked my phone in boil water just needed to go get a head set to communicat .

08-10-13, 03:54 PM
Some more from today had a talk and he seemed to be umm not sure to me. I asked him and he said which one then i said which one lol he was saying Argentina i said they are pretty much all black then he said something about subspecies and something about columbian red tail boa and and howi close they and then back to the tail and how if on the tail.there are alot of black spots then Argentina and its all on how people cross them but anyways heres more pics

08-10-13, 07:11 PM
Sorry cant get any pics to go up i will try latter

09-29-13, 05:56 PM
http://i995.photobucket.com/albums/af77/jsbuickpower/2013-08-22_15-26-25_726-1.jpg here's another pic